Time is up and I left him on the mountain.

100% a W on your hunt.

I feel the same when I pass a bunch of 2-3yo deer in search of a mature buck. The drive home with the empty cooler kinda sucks, but it feels good to have left the mountain with some respect for the elusive ones.
Thanks for sharing your story and pics. That's about the best hunt one can hope for without actually punching a tag.
I’m getting confused, is it a Hammer or a Slammer? Either way, nice buck & looks like you had a memorable trip.
Guys, this story may not be over just yet… I’m hopeful I can get Friday off work. IF I can make that happen I’m giving this buck 1 more run for his money. Would leave Thursday afternoon & drive through the night to hunt Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning.
At least you saw the kind of buck you were after. I've had more then one hunt where I didn't even lay eyes on the size of animal I was after. Very nice pictures! That's a really nice buck!
Even if you can't get Friday off, I'd be leaving right after work and giving it hell Saturday and Sunday!
You're hooked now ;) that's definitely in the win column for hunt experiences! Awesome country, you saw diverse wild game, and thankfully didn't get smacked by the danger noodle! Thanks for sharing and good luck next season!
Guys, this story may not be over just yet… I’m hopeful I can get Friday off work. IF I can make that happen I’m giving this buck 1 more run for his money. Would leave Thursday afternoon & drive through the night to hunt Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning.
I really hope you can get back and get another crack at him!! You won't regret the extra time on the mountain!! And awesome experience you had it looks like