Time has stopped!


Dec 22, 2019
Is it just me or has time been just creeping for the past month? Now I’m 30 days out and can’t sleep at night. You’d think after all the hunts and all the years I’d be calm and collected. But I feel like I’m headed for my first elk hunt all over again. I’m ready for the high country again, it’s been too long. A year away seems like an eternity. Who else is itching and can’t wait to scratch it?
I think you feel that way because you are ready. I’m scrambling like an idiot as usual. Gun build not done in time, throwing together a quick factory rifle setup. Trying to smash scouting trips into my busy schedule With working full time plus getting my machine shop all setup. Archery is less than a month out, and while I’m not hunting archery this year I’m obligated to be a caller. Still haven’t even nailed down the archery spot.
Time is definitely not creeping for me, it’s doing the opposite. I’m starting to feel the pressure of making sure all my gear is ready, and also horses and mules and tack is all ready to go and in good working order.
I think I’m both right now. I feel ready I feel prepared and then four seconds later I remember that I still need (lots of $h!t)🤦🏽‍♂️...... I’m not ready
I’m ready. No.... wait, I need to shoot further. I need to add a few more guy ropes to the new wall tent. Oh yeah I also gotta rig up the new indoor shower setup. My boots could use a fresh coat of Obenaufs. You know what.... I’m not quite ready!
Ugggg, you have no idea. And to top it off, my employer has put me on 12 hour days. I swear to god the clock goes backwards some afternoons.
I feel the opposite, I didn’t draw an elk tag so I didn’t really have any concrete archery plans, other than antelope. I built a lighter faster arrow setup this year thinking I’d only be hunting antelope and whitetail....
Got an email Monday, I was next in line on the alternate list for an elk tag turned back in.
I’ll have new arrows built this week when the rest of the components come in, and hopefully it won’t take long to dial in a sight tape, I’ll be chasing bugles come sept 5th!
I think the high level of anticipation for hunting this fall is due to the state of our country for the past 6-9 months. Elk would prefer social distancing from humans but thankfully aren't Maskholes about it.
Ready to go and get out there. Am i Ready? NO. Coming off a a knee injury in spring and dealing with a foot injury now in hopes it'll be better in a few weeks, good friends wedding that's out of state and taking up a weekend, trying to finish landscaping around the house in between rain storms for the wife, spend time with the family and still getting out and working out as limited as I'am, working on a promotion and going through the hiring process of my PD. TIME CAN SLOW DOWN FOR ME, but its not. To top it off I'm cutting my elk hunt short two days to get home for a day pack and fly to texas for 2 week leadership course to only leave that and come home for 3 days and head to wyoming for my next hunt. All of that will be forgotten once I lose cell service and gain solitude in the mountains.
Well I‘ve got all my gear dialed in, 90% of my food in the box, list checked 12 times, maps checked 200 times, bow is shooting great, now all I need is for the 10th of September to get here. I’ve never been 100% ready this early, feels like I’m forgetting something... Good luck to all you elk junkies. Be safe and kill a big un.
I started organizing gear and packing last weekend. Everything lives in totes so there's not much to it except pulling out the stuff I don't need for this year's hunts and consolidating the stuff that I do need. Coolers and water containers need to be cleaned but otherwise it's just more shooting/working out (and checking the calendar to see if it's 9/1 yet).

I will probably keep making minor tweaks to the bow in search of that ever elusive "perfect" tune too haha.