Time for a member re-introduction! Where are you from+a fun fact about yourself.

Born in TX but not really from there... Army brat. Like Johnny Cash I been everywhere man. I’m from America. Lived around Reno for last 35 years, So I guess home means Nevada.

Oddly enough... I graduated from Pueblo County High, Class of ‘76 ... another 1/2 a point for Pueblo?

Two fun facts...
1) when I was 14 I swam all the way from Asia to Europe. About .6 of a mile across the Bosporus Strait.
2) I make acoustic guitars from scratch and I’m currently building #53.

That would be about the right time frame that my Dad - Chuck Carmichael, was a science teacher there. He left right about that era to be the principal at Vineland for 2 decades LOL. Hard to forget dad: strict as Hell, and rocked a crew cut from his teens until the day he died LOL.
Chicago kid.
A widower at 32 with two young kids, I remarried and immediately moved to Alaska. Finally packed up there after years of adventure (and cold!) to settle in St. Maries, Idaho. Married 24 years now.

Fun fact: I was a tall lanky guy in HS, but a pretty competitive wrestler. At 6'5'' everyone always asked me why I didn't play basketball. I finally played organized ball in college when I realized I could flatfoot dunk with two hands. I was pretty good at fouling too!
El Dorado, KS (Grew up in Marshfield, MO)

Fun Fact: I built a tiny house. Lived in it for 4 years and I also delivered our 2nd kid in said tiny house. Our 3rd was also born in the tiny house too but luckily I didn’t have to deliver her. Both born in the house but both have different cities on their birth certificates.
Augusta County, Va

Fun Fact: My county has more cattle than people, which doesn't mean much compared to the west, but that's a lot in the east. Personally, I can't think of anything other than I can wiggle my ears, guess I'm just not a fun person.

Oh, I will drink White Claw and not be ashamed, maybe that's not something to be proud of.

I can also cook pretty much anything in a cast iron skillet, so I'm a good camp cook.
Liberty Lake Wa

fun fact......in the 90s my brother and elk hunting buddy would always hunt as a trio and we were young and crazy mountain machines chasing elk bugles everywhere....one day met an old timer and he would use tree stands....came under his stand he came down to meet us and said You Guys are the Elk Hunters from hell never seen or heard guys who could run these mountains and he had heard us for years...🤙 few years later at an archery shoot and we look semi normal no camo cloths or camo paint....we see him and come up to him he looks and looks can’t place us.....we yell Elk Hunters from Hell😂....he starts laughing and introduces us to his friends.....I’m sure he is long gone now and we all smile thinking of him 👍
I’m from Fort Worth... for now. Been stationed in Phoenix twice, SLC, Florida, and Korea once. Closest thing to home is Arizona I guess, but I’ll be a military parolee in 6-14months, and I have no idea where we will end up.

Fun Fact: I drop bombs and fly upside down for a living (not at the same time). This makes writing a resume for civilian employment very challenging.

Job Skills:
Flying fast
Juvenile humor
Types 12 words per minute
*Must have liberal vacation schedule September - November.
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