Tikka T3 vs T3x Action Dimensions


Mar 9, 2020
I have searched to no avail, as all thread focus on the upgrades between the two. Are T3 and T3x actions’ external dimensions the same? I have a Mesa Precision stock that LRI glass bedded for a Tikka T3. Will a T3x action fit this bedding the same as a T3?
I have both. Older T3 lite and T3x CTR. External the action is the same, few changes to the T3x but would not effect bedding in a stock. Bolt shroud is different material, and ejection port is slightly different and if I remember, more screw ports on top of integrated rail on T3x, but can't quite remember.
They are identical for bedding purposes. I put a 6.5cm t3x into a 30-06 t3 stock that was bedded and the 6.5cm fit perfectly and shot just as accurately.
Anyone know if a t3 barrel would headspace correctly on a t3x action? Since most prefit companies require you select if your action is a t3 or t3x I would assume not.