Tikka 300 Win Mag brake effectiveness


Jun 20, 2021
After deciding on the Tikka to HCS to CM Mesa/Ridgeline and then to PH2, I’m back where I started and think the Veil will serve me well considering the price. Main use will be eastern whitetails with an elk trip or two thrown in.

That said, I have a few questions about the factory brake.

How far away do I need to keep my legs when firing? One of my stands is a Tree Lounge style and I could see this being an issue.

How effective is the factory brake compared to aftermarket? Would I be better off buying a side discharge brake anyway?

Thanks in advance.
I found it to recoil similar to a 30-06. A side port would definitely be a better choice if you’ll be shooting from a seated position in a stand.
I've never noticed recoil when I'm shooting at game versus a target. I leave my brake at home unless I'm headed to the range.
I have the roughtech but I would assume they use the same brake. This is the first brake I've owned to be honest, it definitely tames down the recoil. But it's obnoxiously loud, dirt flies all over when shooting prone, and just that much more area to get crap in when hiking. It definitely makes it easier on the shoulder though and that is nice. But a good side port would probably do a lot better job on reducing the recoil and pushes the air to the sides instead of all over. If I were sticking to a brake I would toss the factory and go with a good side port. Instead I have a suppressor waiting in jail....

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I wouldn’t buy a veil In 300 win mag. You can buy a T3x lite blued for about $675. You could then ditch the stock, cerakote the action, barrel and have the barrel threaded for a tick more than a veil. You most likely are going to want new bottom metal anyway so you can shoot longer and heavier bullets. Or you can buy the stainless T3x lite and keep the factory stock and up grade like I did. I put on a limb saver recoil pad. I have no use for a muzzle brake when hunting.

A muzzle brake might be nice for extended range sessions, but I am not looking to get one. if you do want to get a brake, I would do some research to get the right one for you.rifle1F.jpg
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I run an Area 419 brake on my Tikka. I leave it on when I hunt out west where I usually have time to put on ear pro before I take the shot. For eastern white tails out of the stand I take it off. I guess you could leave the brake on if you use electronic ear pro but then the squirrels will drive you nuts, lol.
I guess you could leave the brake on if you use electronic ear pro but then the squirrels will drive you nuts, lol.

I’m planning to wear ear pro anyway. I have constant ringing from years of ear abuse so I need to attempt to protect what I’ve got.

It sounds like I’m not the only one that hears much better with them on. At least it will be exciting thinking a buck is coming in every 15 minutes.
After deciding on the Tikka to HCS to CM Mesa/Ridgeline and then to PH2, I’m back where I started and think the Veil will serve me well considering the price. Main use will be eastern whitetails with an elk trip or two thrown in.

That said, I have a few questions about the factory brake.

How far away do I need to keep my legs when firing? One of my stands is a Tree Lounge style and I could see this being an issue.

How effective is the factory brake compared to aftermarket? Would I be better off buying a side discharge brake anyway?

Thanks in advance.

Curious why you left the Mesa and Goin back to the T3? I am currently debating between buying the T3x lite and doing some mods or just buying the Mesa and keeping it pretty much stock.

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Curious why you left the Mesa and Goin back to the T3? I am currently debating between buying the T3x lite and doing some mods or just buying the Mesa and keeping it pretty much stock.

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Mainly because it seems there are many more reports of accuracy problems from CA than Tikka along with several reports of poor customer service. Hopefully those statements are fair but I’d bet that many more people would loudly complain with a $1200 1.01 MOA Mesa than would complain about a $600 1.01 MOA Tikka.

Honestly, I bet you’d be 105% happy with any rifle from my list. I repeat, don’t let me sway you from what you like.

I’ll post my thoughts on each rifle below but keep in mind that I’ve never held the PH2 and never fired any of the others.

Tikka Lite Veil - I like everything but the stock. I hope the vertical grip accessory and stock pad helps this but I’m not holding my breath. Magazine is not a concern due to my plan to not load long anyway. Add the cost of a nice stock and it seems that we are too close to some of the more custom options.

HCS - Can’t miss the gold on this one. I’m not sure I like the aesthetics. I like the pistol grip feel but don’t like the feel of the forearm. Bolt throw is nice. Could see liking this one.

CA Mesa - The stock feels too slim in the pistol grip and tall in the forearm to me. I really like the safety, trigger and bolt feel. I could see really liking one of these if I go this path. I had to struggle with your post to remember why I moved away from the Mesa. I wonder if the 7.3 lbs is accurate?

CA Ridgeline - Same as above but has a cooler looking barrel and saves a little weight. It seems the cost is high enough that exploring other options may make more sense.

PH2 - I wish I could handle one. This is the one that talks to me in pictures but I’m concerned with the weight and proprietary mag and action although Seekins seems like a solid company that isn’t going anywhere. I could see this one going love or hate if I find one to handle. It would end up being over 10lbs for me which may or may not be big deal. My current hunting rifle all weigh about 8-8.5 lb scoped and my target rifles start at 12 lb. I’d love to find a perfectly balanced rifle about 8-8.5 lbs all up with a 30 oz scope (NXS or SHV) but I’m not sure it’s possible in my price range.
Mainly because it seems there are many more reports of accuracy problems from CA than Tikka along with several reports of poor customer service. Hopefully those statements are fair but I’d bet that many more people would loudly complain with a $1200 1.01 MOA Mesa than would complain about a $600 1.01 MOA Tikka.
You may be onto something. I don't think Tikka's are quite the "easy button" they are made out to be. (have a couple)

I’ll post my thoughts on each rifle below but keep in mind that I’ve never held the PH2 and never fired any of the others.

Tikka Lite Veil - I like everything but the stock. I hope the vertical grip accessory and stock pad helps this but I’m not holding my breath. Magazine is not a concern due to my plan to not load long anyway. Add the cost of a nice stock and it seems that we are too close to some of the more custom options.

HCS - Can’t miss the gold on this one. I’m not sure I like the aesthetics. I like the pistol grip feel but don’t like the feel of the forearm. Bolt throw is nice. Could see liking this one.
Browning stock shape is pretty top notch as far as factory sporter stocks go IMO. The pistol grip is actually close enough to the trigger to allow some control of the rifle without wrapping your thumb around it. Less stiff than tikka stock. Butt pad is awesome. (Own a basic Stainless Stalker)

CA Mesa - The stock feels too slim in the pistol grip and tall in the forearm to me. I really like the safety, trigger and bolt feel. I could see really liking one of these if I go this path. I had to struggle with your post to remember why I moved away from the Mesa. I wonder if the 7.3 lbs is accurate?
Take what I said about the browing and reverse it. The grip sucks unless you're someone who likes having a basically straight grip is nice because it "shoulders and swings" nice regardless of the fact that its harder to make a straight back trigger pull and avoid putting torque into the stock. (never owned a CA)

PH2 - I wish I could handle one. This is the one that talks to me in pictures but I’m concerned with the weight and proprietary mag and action although Seekins seems like a solid company that isn’t going anywhere. I could see this one going love or hate if I find one to handle. It would end up being over 10lbs for me which may or may not be big deal. My current hunting rifle all weigh about 8-8.5 lb scoped and my target rifles start at 12 lb. I’d love to find a perfectly balanced rifle about 8-8.5 lbs all up with a 30 oz scope (NXS or SHV) but I’m not sure it’s possible in my price range.

Not light and manipulating the bolt is probably the least smooth in the group. I'm waiting for mine with the new upgraded bolt to be shipped back to me. Stock is great IMO other than LOP is too short. Bottom metal is sweet and allows real long COAL. I wasn't happy with the factory accuracy of mine so I had it rebarreled.
Take what I said about the browing and reverse it. The grip sucks unless you're someone who likes having a basically straight grip is nice because it "shoulders and swings" nice regardless of the fact that its harder to make a straight back trigger pull and avoid putting torque into the stock. (never owned a CA)

It sounds like we share the same taste in rifles.

I’d have a hard time believing that more than two out of ten people would prefer the current Mesa/Ridgeline stock given an option of exactly the same stock but with a much more vertical pistol grip. There are just too many upsides with no downside that I can see.

Not light and manipulating the bolt is probably the least smooth in the group. I'm waiting for mine with the new upgraded bolt to be shipped back to me. Stock is great IMO other than LOP is too short. Bottom metal is sweet and allows real long COAL. I wasn't happy with the factory accuracy of mine so I had it rebarreled.

I had heard about the change six weeks ago to a full cock on open bolt. It does sound like they will upgrade this for any existing customers who have the older bolt. I’m assuming you expect this to be an improvement? I bet most of the guns currently at shops ready for ordering has the old design.

Do you have an accurate bare weight for the PH2 rifle? I’ve seen online anywhere from 6 lb 14 oz to 7 lb 12 oz.

Is the PH2 your favorite 300 WM hunting rifle?

Care to suggest any rifles not mentioned? I’d like the following.

8.25 to 9.5 lbs with 20-30 oz NF scope
Brake to help with recoil