Tiger King

We started watching this show and within a couple of episodes, I knew what our Halloween costumes would be this year.
It’s the turtleman on meth. That show is crazy, it’s nuts how much money gets floated around.
This Docuseries hit the spot during our "lay low at home time." I was oddly entertained and even looked forward to the kids going to bed, so we could fire up this shit show again.
Wife got early so she could watch an episode before the kids got up. Life on lock down lol

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What a perfect show for the times. I'm limiting myself to 1 episode per evening, I don't want it to end before I'm free again. And yeah, that bitch killed her husband.
You need to notice up in the top left hand corner of the pic.....see where it says “5 sold in the last 24hrs”. Coincidence, I think not!!

***I am not one of those 5.ECE6ABFB-5B4A-42B4-A178-C0B56A000FA6.png

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Me and the wife finished it this afternoon.
My take always:

Totally convinced that Carol B. Is a master manipulator and definitely fed her husband to the tigers. She also does the exact same thing that everyone else is doing.
Don’t think a single one of them cared about the animals.
The most normal person in all of this is the drug dealer who murdered a law officer, chopped him up and cremated him.
Antle has a cult.
Meth is bad. Really bad. Lol
It sure doesn't make me proud to be from Oklahoma!!! That said, I couldn't quit watching that crap..lordy this world.
Wondered the same thing, maybe I’m just forgetting. I’d say the most normal were the campaign manager and the guy with no legs,,. First time I’ve ever made that statement.