I ran into this guy and one of his buddies last night on the way out from cutting me some firewood. Due to this though I didn't have any of my good equipment with me so just the crappy cell phone pics for now. I have the tag for this area this year but I am still on the fence with this buck so I thought I'd see what everyone else thought of him.
He is just a 3 point on the right side plus a decent eyeguard and he is trying to form a small kicker off the G2. The left side however has me contemplating this buck, it is a 4 point frame although a weak back fork. It has 2 small kickers off the G2 and a huge extra G4 and a decent eyeguard. He has decent mass throughout the main beams and down low but looses it up top. I was going to put him in the 26-28 range, I could never get a decent picture of him while he was facing me. I know this buck wouldn't score worth a crap but how unique he is has me thinking about killing him. So what do you guys think? How wide?
He is in a place that I think he will stay for the next two weeks till the opener with a bow.......we shall see.
He is just a 3 point on the right side plus a decent eyeguard and he is trying to form a small kicker off the G2. The left side however has me contemplating this buck, it is a 4 point frame although a weak back fork. It has 2 small kickers off the G2 and a huge extra G4 and a decent eyeguard. He has decent mass throughout the main beams and down low but looses it up top. I was going to put him in the 26-28 range, I could never get a decent picture of him while he was facing me. I know this buck wouldn't score worth a crap but how unique he is has me thinking about killing him. So what do you guys think? How wide?
He is in a place that I think he will stay for the next two weeks till the opener with a bow.......we shall see.