What do you suppose the estimate is on the number of sportsman and women that own a .22, an 870 & a 30.06 and are die hard hunters that run away from the NRA because they don't care about bump stocks, extended mags and black rifles? That group is prob not paying money to anyone right now.
I am a strong supporter of gun ownership & my rights in general as are many of my friends and family, BUT....when I go to a public range with family to put a few rounds on paper to check my scope & the dude next to me is dumping 30rnds at a crack because he likes the noise & slapping high 5s with his buddy after I'm not giving them the nod and thumbs up like "nice work brother", same with people walking main street in my community with fatigues and ARs to challenge open carry, I'm not impressed or waving like we're all one giant fact I'm thinking "who the hell are these tools?!" They are not helping the cause one bit. Don't even get me started on the ammo shortage. Like it or not there are a pile of idiots out there that like guns too and have truck windows full of NRA stickers and "cold dead hands" references. They don't represent me.
I stopped giving NRA money years ago, when they started supporting the idiots more than the sportsman. Times need to change to represent the average hunter and rally that population to put it's money someplace and the NRA is not it.
So you’re saying that your rights trump those “tools” rights?
IMO Gun ownership IS a brotherhood.
United we stand, divided we fall.