I see they are going to be 25% off at REI starting on Friday. I was thinking of a WM bag eventually and if we're talking the SD bags in the $500+ range, I'm guessing WM is the way to go, although 25% off is a ton of change on a bag that expensive. But SD has a couple bags in the $300 range as well. $75 off is a great deal too. Should I keep saving for the WM or go with the SD?
By the way, I see in the same flier that they will have the Pategonia nanopuff for around $140 down from $199 too if anyone is in the market for one of those.
By the way, I see in the same flier that they will have the Pategonia nanopuff for around $140 down from $199 too if anyone is in the market for one of those.