Thoughts on new 6.8 Western cartridge

Also thinking that there's a good chance that the pillar & bedding project I just completed this weekend may help a good bit to improve the accuracy
i just watched this video, I wasn't amazing in physics in high school, but it sounds like everything in this video is plausibly correct. Quite fascinating,

double check that you can't over rotate lower grain bullets. I would assume there is a sweet spot, otherwise wouldn't all barrels be like 6twist barrels? There HAS to be some downside to having a faster twist barrel than you need.
OK, I'll have to research that some more. Was actually wondering about that.

Anyone here know of any testing that's been done to analyze this?
OK, I'll have to research that some more. Was actually wondering about that.

Anyone here know of any testing that's been done to analyze this?

Tons. You’re not going to overspin a hunting .277 projectile.

The anti fast twist thought comes from early bullets that weren’t consistent, and extremely thin jacketed varmint bullets being shot at extremely high velocities. The only real “downsides” to very fast twists is increased spin drift and maybe (stress maybe) some bullets being slightly more finicky in precision. In use the increased spin drift doesn’t matter, and I haven’t seen any issue with any groups from even very fast twists.
double check that you can't over rotate lower grain bullets. I would assume there is a sweet spot, otherwise wouldn't all barrels be like 6twist barrels? There HAS to be some downside to having a faster twist barrel than you need.
Look up bullet overstabilization. Its a huge rabbit hole BTW. I was trying to find an article made by Bryan Litz who works for Berger. I couldn't find it.
I hate marketing people. I would have considered trying it out if they would have used the 284 case and called it 270 western. That would have been sweet. There's no sense in using the metric system on US developed cartridges, especially when the value of the metric system doesn't apply.
I’m curious what you mean the metric system doesn’t apply?

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No benefit to be had from saying 6.8 rather than .277 or 270.

The whole benefit of the metric system is cohesive unit increments all based on factor of 10.

I guess the same sentiment applies to the 6.5 creedmore and 7mm rem mag.
So what does the 6.8 western compare to in terms of recoil? Is it similar to 30-06 or is it lighter? Sorry if this has been addressed I haven’t read all 7 pages of this thread. The 6.8 sounds very intriguing
So what does the 6.8 western compare to in terms of recoil? Is it similar to 30-06 or is it lighter? Sorry if this has been addressed I haven’t read all 7 pages of this thread. The 6.8 sounds very intriguing
It should be a bit lighter than .30-‘06 with 165gr bullets.
It should be a bit lighter than .30-‘06 with 165gr bullets.
From JBM ballistics using Hodgdon's data for the 6.8 Western using Retumbo which is the fastest speed they list.
Input Data
Charge Weight:63.7 grMuzzle Velocity:2900.0 ft/s
Firearm Weight:7.0 lbBullet Weight:165.0 gr
Output Data
Recoil Velocity:15.9 ft/sRecoil Energy:27.4 ft•lbs
Recoil Impulse:3.5 lb

The same as above, fastest 30-06 speed for a 165 gr Hodgdon lists using Stabal 6.5

Input Data
Charge Weight:60.2 grMuzzle Velocity:3000.0 ft/s
Firearm Weight:7.0 lbBullet Weight:165.0 gr
Output Data
Recoil Velocity:15.9 ft/sRecoil Energy:27.4 ft•lbs
Recoil Impulse:3.5 lb•s

So it looks like they will be pretty similar when it comes to recoil. That's why I like what it offers. The 6.8 Western starts a bit slower but the ballistcally superior bullet will surpass it at some point. 3000 fps is awfully fast but more normal 30-06 loadings would be slower and also have slightly less recoil but not by much.
No benefit to be had from saying 6.8 rather than .277 or 270.

The whole benefit of the metric system is cohesive unit increments all based on factor of 10.

I guess the same sentiment applies to the 6.5 creedmore and 7mm rem mag.

I see what you are saying. I guess it’s all marketing. The .270 is pretty crowded already so don’t see an issue with 6.8 personally but again it’s just marketing. As a retired Command Sergeant Major I’m a fan of the metric system and wish we would use it more lol.

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I see what you are saying. I guess it’s all marketing. The .270 is pretty crowded already so don’t see an issue with 6.8 personally but again it’s just marketing. As a retired Command Sergeant Major I’m a fan of the metric system and wish we would use it more lol.

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Holy crap yes. I use metric at work for weeks at a time and then I have to time travel to the 1600s every time I'm off.
Grains?! GTFO.

I need 17 barley corns of sugar please.

Yes I just measured sugar in length. But no one knew that until I typed this part.
When the 6.8 Western had the staying power of a 6.5 Creedmoor, I’ll perk up. Until then, yawn.

How many iteration of magnum have we seen in the last 20 years? Saum, wsm, wssm, rcm, prc, etc. At the end of the day sales matter and guys aren’t going to be shooting these a lot due to expense and recoil.
When the 6.8 Western had the staying power of a 6.5 Creedmoor, I’ll perk up. Until then, yawn.

How many iteration of magnum have we seen in the last 20 years? Saum, wsm, wssm, rcm, prc, etc. At the end of the day sales matter and guys aren’t going to be shooting these a lot due to expense and recoil.
Ubless they're guys that are long range hunting that want the higher BC and higher weight bullet that don't mind the recoil.

I do agree there's a ton of 130-150 grain factory loads now, but not nearly as many in the 165-175 camp.
There’s a good video on YouTube from the social regressive(?) that puts the 6.8 western pretty much spot on with the 7mm wsm/7mm rem mag recoil amounts.
Cool. I haven't shot a 7rem mag in 20 years, but I remember it wasn't "that bad". Can't wait to shoot my t3x 7rem mag on ammo or reloading parts become more available.
Glad somebody agrees with my thinking on this. I recently bought a 7RM due to the reasons you mentioned.

How light? pretty sure you can take any of the 270wsm bullets and load them. The 6.8w cartridge is only marginally shorter.
I have not seen the throat leade ( < terminology ? ) dimensions mentioned much if at all. Without taking measurements seems it has a bit to do with how the new cartridges work with the long bullets, particularly in the precision dept. .. Going forward I think this may work well for the lead free ammo, which is a problem in my location
Don’t know if anyone is interested but a pic of the different cartridges. I added the 7mm Rem Mag as the only LA as there seems to be a lot of comparison. .300 WSM, 7mm Rem Mag, 6.8 western, .270 WSM, 6.5 PRC, 6.5 CM

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Nice photo. Looking at it I would say the throat leade is also difference to consider ? Anyone seen the chamber dimensions on the new ones ?