This made my day!

16bore is a douche no matter which forum is dumb enough to let him be a part of. He’s a gem on LRH (or was, I no longer frequent that site).
Wait ryan owns ars? 😳. 24hr campfire is such a dumpsterfire i even saw drama in the classifieds 🤣. Im currently on a self induced avoidance of all news outlets for the mere fact that nothing i can say or my personal opinion is going to change anything either way so its pointless to get worked up over it. It's nice to have a place to get away from the bs and talk about something I enjoy doing.
We don't want to be the TMZ of hunting forums.

that's pretty funny. why do people want to discuss politics on a hunting forum, it ALWAYS goes off the rails, people start insulting each other, and it's a useless train wreck.... plenty of places to discuss politics... TONS of them! politics in text are divisive, text is a bad enough form of communication as it is.... add super touchy topics to text and there is a bunch of hair pulling going on..... it's been proven, it's not gonna be different this time :ROFLMAO:
Wait ryan owns ars? 😳. 24hr campfire is such a dumpsterfire i even saw drama in the classifieds 🤣. Im currently on a self induced avoidance of all news outlets for the mere fact that nothing i can say or my personal opinion is going to change anything either way so its pointless to get worked up over it. It's nice to have a place to get away from the bs and talk about something I enjoy doing.
that's pretty funny. why do people want to discuss politics on a hunting forum, it ALWAYS goes off the rails, people start insulting each other, and it's a useless train wreck.... plenty of places to discuss politics... TONS of them! politics in text are divisive, text is a bad enough form of communication as it is.... add super touchy topics to text and there is a bunch of hair pulling going on..... it's been proven, it's not gonna be different this time :ROFLMAO:
I was taught the easiest way to start a fight is bring up politics or religion. Its easier to do now more than ever.
I was taught the easiest way to start a fight is bring up politics or religion. Its easier to do now more than ever.
so true, and a pointless fight.... nothing is ever solved, it does zero good..... it's drama with no good outcome for no reason.

i have my views, but i keep them to myself.... i don't ask or share mine, because it doesn't matter to discuss. i'm not going to try to convert people to my line of thinking, we are all individuals and that's a good thing.

i wish there was more middle ground, but these days there is none.... you have to have radical views or your views don't matter.

i just hope 2020 weird isn't the new normal.... is that too much to hope for? if it wasn't for the ocean, woods, and rivers, no doubt i would be a menace to society.... what to non outdoors people do to keep their sanity?!

heck, i rarely open the general discussion forum here, haha.... if there were political discussions i just wouldn't
i just hope 2020 weird isn't the new normal.... is that too much to hope for? if it wasn't for the ocean, woods, and rivers, no doubt i would be a menace to society.... what to non outdoors people do to keep their sanity?!
Oregon with the win! Drugs are now legal. So regardless of if you want to celebrate or cry in utter devastation your drug of choice will be perfectly legal.
We 100% welcome good political debate on hunting-related issues.

I am off to sell all of my ARs, you know because I'm a free speech, 2A hatin fencesitter.....

After you sell your ARs, I feel that you are infringing on my 1st amendment rights by not providing a forum for me to share my tasteful nudes. So if you could get on that, that would be great.

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That’s too funny and he was acting like such a chode about it.

I actually took my social media accounts (FB, Twitter, and Instagram) off my phone this week because the polarization of the current environment is nauseating.

Glad to be able to come here and just enjoy constructive talk.

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I’m pretty thick skinned and I don’t really give a crap what anyone says about me but I just don’t have the time to deal with idiots like him and he’s one of the reasons why I don’t post on rokslide much anymore. Good to know he’s no longer on rokslide.

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Wait. This forum isn’t about political BS and drama. What do we do now? 😆😆😆
P.S Thank you Ryan and everyone else for an excellent forum and providing us with a great place to share information and discussion hunting related.