Thinking of trying a new vane

Jan 29, 2013
Likely buying a new bow, with that comes the opportunity to try new stuff if so inclined.

I'm going to switch to the Axis 4mm long range shafts & likely slick trick viper tricks.

Looking for a quiet vane that steers the fixed heads well, preferably 3 fletch & something that I don't have to tinker with a bunch of different shaft/vane prep stuff.

Not a huge fan of the blazers (only due to the sound).

For those parameters what's your go-to vane?
For a fixed head that small, I use bohning heats. Stupid easy to glue, hold up well, and cheap.

Bigger fixed heads I use the AAE Max Stealth, Stupid easy to glue, they are not.

Keep in mind, practicing at home you can get by with less vane steering, hunting conditions you are a lot more likely to induce things into the shot so extra vane doesn't hurt.

Broadheads like an Exodus (1.25" cut) I can get to fly just fine with 3 fletch heat, but I generally put them on something like the Max Stealth so I have a little more forgiving setup.

More aggressive vane angle of course produces more noise, but also helps smaller vanes work better.
Ditto on the Q2i rapt x vanes, they steer well, adhere well, and they're one of the tougher vanes.
I like Q2i but they aren't quiet in any configuration I've tried with the exception of the Griff-X. Which steers like poo. Especially for fixed blades. Fusion-II in the normal configuration works well.

What you are describing is the new AAE Airrzr 26. Or AAE Hybrid 26. I also like the Easton Diamond 280 which are very flexible and stick well. I can't tell that the flexibility causes any more noise or has any noticeable affect on steering.
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I just snagged some Easton arrows with feathers. Haven't shot a feathered arrow in 20 plus years. Excited to hunt with them this fall.