Thinking about moving out to CO

Apr 29, 2015
Littleton, CO
If I were to pick somewhere to love and didn't have to be in the city, it would be the Evergreen, Conifer or Bailey. Elk in your front yard all the time and semi-reasonably priced lots. Schools are going to be a little more challenging living here, but the lifestyle would hopefully make up for it. Just a warning though that 285 closes whenever the snow gets bad (5-10 times a year) when the plows can't keep up and accidents start piling up.


Dec 28, 2016
And 285 is one of the most dangerous highways in the nation. I worry about that for when my kids come of driving age. The only place I've seen 285 shut down is at Kenosha Pass, other than when a semi rolls on it somewhere, blocking it. In the summer you have ridiculous camping traffic heading west on Friday and east on Sunday. Drives the locals mad! I'm thinking it must suck bad to live in Denver if you want to go through that just to go camping in Lost Park for 2 days! ha. On 70 you have similar ski traffic during the season. But yeah, you'll see more elk in Evergreen than you will in Estes Park! And it's in a nice little hole that you can get to from 70 or 285 or cut up through Morrison and Kitteridge.


Jan 1, 2016
I teach high school just north of Denver (Westminster). I'm fairly familiar with the school districts in and around the Denver area. FYI, the housing market in Denver is crazy expensive right now. I don't know if that is different from what you have in NJ. If I had to be close to Denver (20 miles or so), I'd live outside a city like Golden, CO.

My wife is an English teacher with her masters +30, she is currently working as a media specialist in a middle school. How is the overall health of the teaching industry out in CO? Based on some quick searches it seems like she may have a hard time landing some where. As far as housing from what I can see is, you get a little more house for the dollar out in CO, where you see the great differentiator is in property tax. What I have gathered off of Trulia, Zillow, Realtor etc. I would be saving over 13k a year just in property taxes. I haven't looked into it yet, but I assume that driving insurance would also see a reduction, right now we are paying 2500 for 2 semi new cars.


Oct 22, 2015
If your from the NYC area you'd be use to the rising home prices the front range is experiencing. Finding teaching jobs has been harder with the more people from California and Texas migrating here but with a masters and experience she should find one, maybe not at the ideal price point.

Golden is a nice place relative to Denver but close to the mountains


Jan 1, 2016
I would like to thank everyone for there input, I'm amazed on the amount of responses and personal out reach by some members. I look forward on our conversations as my family and I embark on this move out west. Its going to be hard for my wife, moving away from her mom and sister, but I think she's realizing that this isn't the place to raise our 2 young boys (5 and 5 months). From the looks of it finding a job in my field (Business Intelligence,Health Care) won't seem to bad, I could always consult if need be.

I don't live in Denver but travel there a bunch. I would definitely practice my commute before I bought a house anywhere there. Traffic is something not to be underestimated in and around the metro areas

Thanks, I will most definitely take your advice! Right now I commute 22 miles each way to work over the George Washington Bridge to the Bronx, every morning it take me anywhere from 1-3 hours. This is one of my main reasons I need to leave this hell hole, not to mention the bridge tolls are getting out of control 10 years ago I was paying $4.00 now we are at $15

You ought to make a trip and see for yourself the drastic difference between Superior/Centennial and Evergreen. I'm a transplant too. Been here about 4 years. Love it!

We spoke about this today, looks like we are going to make a 4 day trip out in the end of June to just drive through our top communities and feel it out. Can't wait!!

Stay away if you plan on making CO another NY west or CA east. Welcome if you are willing to adjust to CO and become your own person and not drag the crap that screwed up the state you're fleeing from!

Thanks for the warm welcome, it almost feels like NJ already LOL!!

The last thing I would want is to bring the shit of the east coast out west, NJ is where fun comes to die.

With all kidding aside, we are sick and tired of all the liberal/political correctness we have to live by here, its like walking on egg shells everywhere you go. For god sakes we had billboards up of a bear hugging Cecil the lion up and down the highways protesting how cruel the the archery bear hunt is. You know you have to leave….


Mar 5, 2015
Arvada, CO
I would like to thank everyone for there input, I'm amazed on the amount of responses and personal out reach by some members. I look forward on our conversations as my family and I embark on this move out west. Its going to be hard for my wife, moving away from her mom and sister, but I think she's realizing that this isn't the place to raise our 2 young boys (5 and 5 months). From the looks of it finding a job in my field (Business Intelligence,Health Care) won't seem to bad, I could always consult if need be.

Thanks, I will most definitely take your advice! Right now I commute 22 miles each way to work over the George Washington Bridge to the Bronx, every morning it take me anywhere from 1-3 hours. This is one of my main reasons I need to leave this hell hole, not to mention the bridge tolls are getting out of control 10 years ago I was paying $4.00 now we are at $15

We spoke about this today, looks like we are going to make a 4 day trip out in the end of June to just drive through our top communities and feel it out. Can't wait!!

Thanks for the warm welcome, it almost feels like NJ already LOL!!

The last thing I would want is to bring the shit of the east coast out west, NJ is where fun comes to die.

With all kidding aside, we are sick and tired of all the liberal/political correctness we have to live by here, its like walking on egg shells everywhere you go. For god sakes we had billboards up of a bear hugging Cecil the lion up and down the highways protesting how cruel the the archery bear hunt is. You know you have to leave….

The liberal political correctness is alive and robustly healthy in the front range of Colorado, if you don't want that, I would look at Montana, Wyoming or Idaho! If I was independently wealth, I'd probably move to Wyoming!


Jan 1, 2016
The liberal political correctness is alive and robustly healthy in the front range of Colorado, if you don't want that, I would look at Montana, Wyoming or Idaho! If I was independently wealth, I'd probably move to Wyoming!

I hear you, we are hoping the liberal and political correctness on the front range is similar to what you guys say is crowded on public land. Here in NJ if you see 20 cars on a piece of 2k acres of public land you don't consider it crowded lol. Our hope is that no matter how liberal CO is, it can't be as bad as its here, at least I really hope not lol.


Jan 25, 2014
Sounds like we need you and your family to help balance out the wackadoos.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Apr 15, 2012
Casper Wy
I use to drive over the GW bridge on my way to Long Island. And the Jersey turnpike. If U can handle that shit. Denver traffic is a drive in the mountains... Colorado will be like heaven. I never liven in Jersey or NYC. But work took me there.


Dec 28, 2016
The move was a little hard on my wife as well. We left everything. She has a really close family, and we had nobody out here. We've made a handful of good friends though and she is really happy. We live all the way out close to Fairplay(Southpark), and she was really concerned about it because we were so far out, but after a year she was ready to move to Alaska. I guess the only reason we don't is I don't really want to fall on my face that far from home. And mosquitoes! Out here where I live, I've seen one mosquitoe in 4 years! That's amazing! There are a few but nothing like what I was used to. I don't know how that is for you but in the Front Range, the nasty bugs like roaches are minimal. I remember being in your shoes. I am excited for you and your trip to check out the area.


Aug 3, 2016
Can't take living the hustle and bustle of NJ/NYC life anymore and I am pretty sure my wife is coming along with the idea the more we talk about the possibility of relocating to a suburb of Denver.


Very similar sentiments my Great Grandfather shared in a letter to his brother in 1864 before coming here in 1867 from Baltimore - I am both honored and humbled to be a part of my families 5 generations of history and future here. I have traveled the world and cannot think of anywhere else I would rather be

We spoke about this today, looks like we are going to make a 4 day trip out in the end of June to just drive through our top communities and feel it out. Can't wait!!

Shoot me a PM before you come out. I would be happy to share some thoughts on areas for you to call home.


Nov 17, 2013
I live in Dallas, which is experiencing a massive influx of people from CA, NY, NJ, OR,... And it really is distressing to know that many/most will have NO interest in figuring out what made their home state unlivable. Great jobs, low taxes, conservative values will be challenged as liberals flee the blue states.

I recently bought a place in southwest CO. I plan to live more and more in CO and commute to Dallas for work, decreasing my time in the grind every year. Durango is already impacted by liberals. Locals bemoan how the city council and school boards have been taken over. I'm next door in Montezuma county. Very nice people and conservative attitudes. I don't know about the quality of the schools and job opportunities for you, but you might extend your trip and visit this area. Its amazing. Even with the libs moving in.


Dec 28, 2016
Depending on how rural or urban you want your new life to be, I would say give the whole western half of Colorado a look. Some of it is very desolate but there are also some nice little hubs with all the amenities.

I know there are extremes but nowhere in the lower 48 is going to be totally void of the liberal movement. People from Montana(no offense, I love some of yall) like to get a little smug about Colorado because truth be told we are more affected than they are, but it's not getting any better up there. Lots of Toms wearing faux hawks moving up there too. I personally believe the liberal movement is something that will never reverse itself. It's just the direction we are heading.


Nov 6, 2015
We actually purchased a house in Golden. We had looked at several areas of the Denver suburbs: Lakewood, Highland Ranch, Littleton and Evergreen areas. Evergreen was beautiful, but I also heard horror stories of 285 and thought it wasn't for the best as my wife works in Lakewood. I actually had to stay back in Texas for the time being as my father's health has taken a turn for the worse, but my wife and two children have been there since the beginning of the school year. They love their schools and my wife's commute is tolerable for her. I visit when I can or they fly down to visit. I can say I cannot wait until I'm a full-time Colorado resident. Obviously, not the most ideal solution, but we make it work and it helps to know I have an escape from the godforsaken summers here.


Jun 22, 2016
CO Springs
In case CO folks were wondering....

All 4 Repub members of the US House of Representatives voted in favor of yesterday's bill promoting transfer of public lands.
2 Dem members voted against the transfer-oriented bill. The third Dem declined to vote.

Lack of public land is the reason elk are thick in Evergreen.

Blue politics here are the only thing keeping CO from falling into the Public Land Transfer whirlpool created by UT. I hear Orem is nice, and it is as red as can be.
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Dec 28, 2016
In case CO folks were wondering....

All 4 Repub members of the US House of Representatives voted in favor of yesterday's bill promoting transfer of public lands.
All 3 Dem members voted against the transfer-oriented bill.

Lack of public land is the reason elk are thick in Evergreen.

Blue politics here are the only thing keeping CO from falling into the Public Land Transfer whirlpool created by UT. I hear Orem is nice, and it is as red as can be. They'd love to have you.
Are you saying republicans voted for the selling of public land in Colorado?


Dec 28, 2016
We actually purchased a house in Golden. We had looked at several areas of the Denver suburbs: Lakewood, Highland Ranch, Littleton and Evergreen areas. Evergreen was beautiful, but I also heard horror stories of 285 and thought it wasn't for the best as my wife works in Lakewood. I actually had to stay back in Texas for the time being as my father's health has taken a turn for the worse, but my wife and two children have been there since the beginning of the school year. They love their schools and my wife's commute is tolerable for her. I visit when I can or they fly down to visit. I can say I cannot wait until I'm a full-time Colorado resident. Obviously, not the most ideal solution, but we make it work and it helps to know I have an escape from the godforsaken summers here.

I'm from Brazoria County so I know all about those summers you are talking about. My situation was like yours but opposite. I came out here and started working and my wife followed four months later. It was a lot of fun showing her around when she got here. If you are into the outdoors and enjoy hobbies, you'll love it here.


Jun 22, 2016
CO Springs
Are you saying republicans voted for the selling of public land in Colorado?

They all voted in favor of a rule change specifically designed to legalize Public Land Transfer in CO and elsewhere. They did so in line with all but 3 Repubs in the House of Representatives. Getting rid of federal lands is a stated plank in the Republican national platform, and they are after it like gangbusters. Yesterday's vote is the first of many that will try to make that happen. Yesterday's rule change in essence means the feds no longer will have to get fair value for what they sell or give away. That will enable them to give your federal lands to states for free, which is not what a budget-minded group would do. Unless they had a larger agenda. But don't take my word for it: Congress Changes Rules To Ease Sales of Lands


Dec 28, 2016
They all voted in favor of a rule change specifically designed to legalize Public Land Transfer in CO and elsewhere. They did so in line with all but 3 Repubs in the House of Representatives. Getting rid of federal lands is a stated plank in the Republican national platform, and they are after it like gangbusters. Yesterday's vote is the first of many that will try to make that happen. Yesterday's rule change in essence means the feds no longer will have to get fair value for what they sell or give away. That will enable them to give your federal lands to states for free, which is not what a budget-minded group would do. Unless they had a larger agenda. But don't take my word for it: Congress Changes Rules To Ease Sales of Lands
I've been catching up.