WTS/WTT Things to watch out for to prevent being scammed.

Gearjunkie, I'm not in any way, shape or form bad mouthing law enforcement officers. I respect and appreciate what you guys do every day and support our officers in every way possible. I'm just saying that being guns are involved I would think it would be a felony and be of higher interest than a seat belt ticket. I, as well as probably 99.9% of guys on here are not the ones wanting to eliminate law enforcement. I believe we are the good guys backing you guys. Like in anything there will always be a bad one in the bunch but I believe most of our law enforcement has our best interests in mind. I understand your hands are tied in some instances but I was just trying to convey that there should be some branch with higher interest in these kinds of crimes.
Thanks, matt
Teaching them what exactly? Are they going to start asking for payment through goods and services because this thread has shown them we are on to the F&F, venmo, cripto and gift card requests? If we were teaching them something wouldnt they have stopped directing buyers to their "friends" email by now? Maybe they would not still be using poor grammer and photo shopped pictures you can find with a reverse look up? People have been posting scam warnings with examples for years and yet scammers are all still using the same BS to scam people. Posts like this only help the people that have not had much experience buying online be a little more cautious.
if i were wanting to scam someone, id come to this thread and see what works and waht doesnt.
scammers will just find other ways around - the op is absolutely telling scammers what works and what doesnt.

Yes, they have been learning so much since 2016, and earlier, when we really started educating them. Same exact tactics.
