Thermal scopes

$1000 isn’t a price point for thermal scopes. Believe they start at around $2k and go up from there.
leupold has a thermal monocular for around $700 but I assume you're looking for scopes not monoculars.
Like a couple others have said, you're just not going to get into a thermal at that price.

About the cheapest I can think of is the pulsar digital one and I think it starts a bit over 1k.

Thermal and NV are two things you really don't want to go cheap on. That being said what distance do u want to reach?

For 100 yards and in the cheaper units will get the job done and might satisfy your needs just fine.

I used to have a cheaper digital nv scope that worked just fine at 100 yards to shoot pigs but it always left me wanting a little more.

I now have a pvs-30 and on the right night I can shoot at a grand with no IR.

An extra grand or two upfront will do leaps and bounds for you in the way of quality and in the end satisfaction with what you bought.

If you can hold out I strongly advise saving up a little extra.

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Damn Honkey, i didnt even realize 1000yds was a reality with a NV scope. Thats fantastic!
My thermal freaks me out with the "witchcraft" it performs to pick up heat signatures and create detailed images at many, many hundreds of yards. Mind blowing each time i take it out. Like others have said youll need to save a far bit beyond the $1000 mark if youre looking to get into that game. That being said, id envision a time in the not so distant future where the technology comes down quite a bit (maybe not to the $1000 mark though). Best of luck.
I wanted to go the NV/thermal route, but the sticker shock kept me from buying... Motion activated flood lights hooked up to a battery with a solar charger works great, and the hogs get used to them really quickly. Works great if you're hunting over a consistent food source, also it's really cheap
Save your money on this. I purchased it, tested it and sent it back. If you're looking at anything further away than about 40 yards. Will have a tough time figuring out what it is. It will pick up the heat signature but is nothing more than a red spot.
Pulsar's are amazing. I talked myself into needing one last year, had to take the hit on selling it earlier this year. For low budget NV take a look at the Sightmark Photon line.
Looks like cheapskates mount something like a Bushnell Equinox Z behind a red dot with NV settings like they would a magnifier. I'm tempted to try it for a toy.
Last year, my goal was to have a thermal by this time, right now. I still can't swing it. It hasn't made it high enough on my priority list yet. But when (if) I take the plunge it's going to come down to a nice Pulsar or Trijicon. They are ridiculously expensive, but if you're going to use it a lot you will want something more then an entry level model.