The Shoot2hunt Podcast

I'll probably get banned again but I promise I'll STFU once I get my 22CM and Rokstok in hand :p

You guys still haven't done a podcast on huntin with pack animals. Get to it ya BUMS!
The buck stops with us, and we have been very transparent. Call tomorrow and get your money back on the Rokstok. I guarantee it's holding up your rifle.
Nope. Totally independent orders. Rifle build was due to Ace's 224 tooling going down for a couple months, then lead time stacking on the long list of outsourced subs: action lightweighting, bolt/barrel fluting, nitriding and now probably sitting in a line waiting for gunsmithing finally.

I guess I just disagree that a "well then take your marbles and go home" is accountability. 🤷‍♂️
Nope. Totally independent orders. Rifle build was due to Ace's 224 tooling going down for a couple months, then lead time stacking on the long list of outsourced subs: action lightweighting, bolt/barrel fluting, nitriding and now probably sitting in a line waiting for gunsmithing finally.

I guess I just disagree that a "well then take your marbles and go home" is accountability. 🤷‍♂️
Well maybe not. I ordered a LE Rokstok day one, and a rifle with the UM mods a couple weeks later. I didn't specify one way or the other, but the assumption was made they were together. Totally understandable, but after I talked to them they put my rifle build through the process. Their process is i believe, they don't chamber the rifle until all the parts are there, this includes the stock
It's your gun, your money and your business but, you will learn way more talking to UM than posting on Rokslide.
Well maybe not. I ordered a LE Rokstok day one, and a rifle with the UM mods a couple weeks later. I didn't specify one way or the other, but the assumption was made they were together. Totally understandable, but after I talked to them they put my rifle build through the process. Their process is i believe, they don't chamber the rifle until all the parts are there, this includes the stock.

They also said that the only way to skip the line would be a custom rifle build. So this excuse is doubly wrong since that should have SPED up my order.

Also, Ryan just reiterated their commitment to transparency. If me being transparent here is breaking rules I’ll edit my posts.

They also said that the only way to skip the line would be a custom rifle build. So this excuse is doubly wrong since that should have SPED up my order.

Also, Ryan just reiterated their commitment to transparency. If me being transparent here is breaking rules I’ll edit my posts.

I gave my experience, i'm still waiting on my stock. I understand why, I am not concerned. this is not my first year hunting I have other perfectly capable rifles ready to go.
I have nothing to do with the rules here, do whatever you think will help. Good luck.
I’d like to hear a how to episode on documenting bullet performance. Things to include and not to include when posting results.
I’ve noticed a lot of threads on bullet performance but most of these posts don’t have enough context to offer real value.
How to include useful pictures and video etc..
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Subjects. I am not a content generator and am not going to do them just to do so. FF’s (stupid name), are short technical talks, and the amount of subjects that fit are limited. If you, or someone else has an idea of what would make sense, let me know.
If you are looking for subjects for the podcast or the FF:
Truing Ballistic Data - how you do it, what do you use, etc.

Wind Observation and Estimation - you emphasize that this is the biggest error (besides zero and sucking). Wind estimation at the first third/middle third/last third of bullet flight. Translating that to an actual wind call that is somewhat accurate. I have a Kestrel, but it only tells me one thing. I do my best to estimate wind at the target knowing that has more bearing on bullet flight. This could be an entire episode.
[mention]Formidilosus [/mention]

Maybe FF topic: Basic range/firearm handling etiquette. What should a someone know before attending your course or even going to the range?

I probably don’t have the absolute best practices out there but I see guys making honest mistakes handling a firearm at the range that are scary.
[mention]Formidilosus [/mention]

Maybe FF topic: Basic range/firearm handling etiquette. What should a someone know before attending your course or even going to the range?

I probably don’t have the absolute best practices out there but I see guys making honest mistakes handling a firearm at the range that are scary.

To your first question about what to know prior to attending a course, I would say don’t let your knowledge or experience prevent you from going to the course. In fact, I think those who came in with less experience actually did better with respect to firearm safety and learning the fundamentals of shooting as they didn’t have near as many bad habits to try and un-learn.

I’ve used firearms for 20+ years and have always made safety a top priority. Even so, I completely relearned safe gun handling during the course in a way that I feel is far more useful and practical. This was a very heavy focus on the first day of the course and continued to be emphasized heavily throughout the remainder of the course. I went from someone who always wondered if the rifle was “safe” and checked it extremely often as a force of habit to someone who knew the condition of my weapon and used it with confidence throughout the course. While both approaches could be argued to be “safe”, the latter is far more practical for hunting situations.
I think the episode with Colton would have been good with Form, I could certainly tell Ryan was biting his tongue a few times… or saying things like “it has a nice eye box” haha

you guys should take him elk hunting, with 223/77tmk, that may change his perspective on things like “ 130gr cx are good up to deer, and maybe small black bears, but I wouldn’t condone that”
I think the episode with Colton would have been good with Form, I could certainly tell Ryan was biting his tongue a few times… or saying things like “it has a nice eye box” haha

you guys should take him elk hunting, with 223/77tmk, that may change his perspective on things like “ 130gr cx are good up to deer, and maybe small black bears, but I wouldn’t condone that”

I like to plant seeds. Colton just got back from Africa, where he hunted only with a 22 Creed. He’s very keen on building a 6UM now.

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I like to plant seeds.

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(Edit, Form beat me to the garden gnome pun)
It would be interesting to hear his perspective in 5 years if he starts shooting smaller cartridges/projectiles, especially if he’s willing to use something other than monos

Ironically enough, one of the most wasteful shots I’ve ever taken or seen was with a mono, big giant buck that would not turn, watched him for several minutes in the scope, finally quartered to and decided that was good enough.

Shot the buck through the shoulder and the bone fragments trashed a bunch of the offside shoulder too, it was a bloodshot mess.

The difference I have seen in normal use between match bullets and mono/AB type bullets is more bloodshot under shoulders and on the outside, but not much difference in actual meat yield… hit bone with a hard bullet, it’s still making a mess

I feel like the argument for using harder bullets has pretty much lost it’s significance with me, the last thing I held onto was making it through bone, I used to think a shoulder might stop a soft bullet, but have not seen it, and the 223 thread put that to rest for me

Good to see most seem to at least have an open mind about it, and are not afraid to be proven wrong with everything they grew up learning.