The Shoot2hunt Podcast

What potential conflict of interest. Do you believe he owns Hornady, Serria, and is producing 115 nose ring dtac’s?
As well as SWFA, Nightforce, trijicon, and is the designer of the one maven that passed the drop test?
I'm thinking more of an influencer model. He has relationships with multiple companies and gets paid for marketing and recommending products. Again, this is just a theory/possibility.
I'm thinking more of an influencer model. He has relationships with multiple companies and gets paid for marketing and recommending products. Again, this is just a theory/possibility.

Even if you assume this is true, even if he is getting kickbacks from all these companies, it’s irrelevant if the data is accurate. A pile of dead animals speaks for itself.

You are looking for indicia of credibility or lack thereof - e.g. financial motive - where they simply aren’t required. You are looking for a way to attack the results (or the man behind them) rather than simply looking at the results.

“Keep on keepin’ on…”
How can there be a conflict of interest if the bullets he is promoting are “the ones that are heavy for caliber and prone to upset?”

“Keep on keepin’ on…”
There are certainly some specific models, such as the 108 ELDM, 77 TMK. Same with specific scopes and brands.

He or she ( it’s 2025 we can’t assume gender) seems to recommend things he or she has found it work, and then follows it up with go do your own tests?
Not saying his recommendations don't work. But is he NOT recommending some that do work? Is there bias in his testing?
I'm thinking more of an influencer model. He has relationships with multiple companies and gets paid for marketing and recommending products. Again, this is just a theory/possibility.
I think you’re getting pretty tinfoil out there my guy. And if you’re right, he is the one influencer that seems to recommend things that actually work. Also might be the only known influencer that’s does everything he or she can to protect their identity.
99% of influencers will show you their butt hole for the newest scope from vortex. Which ironically will the best one they have every used despite just doing the unboxing.
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I think you’re getting pretty tinfoil out there my guy. And if you’re right, he is the one influencer that seems to recommend things that actually work. Also might be the only known influencer that’s does everything he or she can to protect as their identity.
99% of influencers will show you their butt hole for the newest scope from vortex. Which ironically will the best one they have every used despite just going the unboxing.
I could certainly be crazy.... But I don't think the model I described is at all uncommon these days. I think for a guy to be doing what he is doing for 0 compensation is actually way more weird and out there of a theory.
I've been saving for a while now to build a custom rifle. Probably the only one I can afford to build. If I follow Form's recommendations and it turns out to work the way all these pictures and posts seem to indicate, I'm one hundred percent okay if he made a little money. Or a pile of money. I don't care.

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There is a a pile of 223 bullets he said will work but just arent optimal.
The only bullets he reccomends AGAINST is monos of any brand.

And it’s hardly surprising that JVB and others want to attack the data (via the man behind it), given how frequently they promote monos. I can’t count how many times I have heard his buddy Ron Spomer praise monos, without showing any evidence.

“Keep on keepin’ on…”
I could certainly be crazy.... But I don't think the model I described is at all uncommon these days. I think for a guy to be doing what he is doing for 0 compensation is actually way more weird and out there of a theory.
Lots of people here have offered experience, photos, advice for no return, other than helping others.

It's how we do things on Rokslide. This isn't YouTube. Or OnlyFans.
Spreadsheets are great if you know how to use them. I’d love to see the actual numbers that Form refers to as “data.”
I am also happy to continue moving towards the S2H/Form style of hunting/shooting, “trusting and verifying” along the way.

Form and the S2H boys have given away a lot of knowledge for free and honestly the way they currently disseminate information is good enough for me.
I could certainly be crazy.... But I don't think the model I described is at all uncommon these days. I think for a guy to be doing what he is doing for 0 compensation is actually way more weird and out there of a theory.
So when someone does something for a group of people for no financial gain, it is weird? I take it you've never been fishing and had some tourists walk by with a little kid that has that look of amazement in their eye as you hook a fish and just handed the kid the pole? You've never been at the range and seen someone struggling with their new rifle and offered to help? Let them shoot one of your rifles while you work on their gun. Taken their gun apart and reassembled it with proper torque and sighted it in for them just to see them print a sub MOA group with it when an hour before they couldn't hit the target? I painted 3 houses last year for people in our community because they needed to be painted to keep insurance on them for less than the cost of the paint. What did I get out of it? An education on painting on different substrates than I had before. Sometimes doing things is just being a good person. Sometimes people share so they can see others successful in something you're passionate about. I'm one of those weird guys who will share actual spots where I hunt and fish on public land. If I'm at the fillet table cleaning a limit of fish and don't plan on fishing again for a couple of days, I'll give a dad with his kids that only have a couple fish my numbers. If I spot an animal I don't want to shoot but there is a youth hunter in the area, I'll tell them right where to go. I've even hiked in with them, let them use my rifle, and packed a cow elk out with them for nothing more than a hug and a handshake.

From what I've seen, Form does what he does because he want to see people successful and wants product to work right. It doesn't matter how it looks if it doesn't work right.

In a land of ulterior motives, be the real one.

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I'm thinking more of an influencer model. He has relationships with multiple companies and gets paid for marketing and recommending products. Again, this is just a theory/possibility.
Might be worth reading more here, as well as reflecting on the implications of what you're saying.

First, Form has spoken about certain Hornady bullets performing well, but not others - including specific ELD-Ms. Would this make sense if he worked for Hornady?

And while he's said some scopes (by SWFA and Bushnell, for example) have passed an eval, he's pointed out that other models by them have not. He's pointed out that Nightforce reticles aren't great for hunting. And he's pointed out that Maven, while having made one of the best hunting scopes so far (in the RS1.2) did this partly by accident, and have treated us with disdain since. None of that would make sense if he was paid for marketing by those companies.

Finally, Form has stated that he hasn't so far received financial recompense, even for things he's been involved in designing, such as the Rokstock and S2HU - despite that most of us here would likely be more than happy if he had. If you want to insinuate that this is possibly not the case, then you're also calling into question the credibility of both @Ryan Avery and @Unknown Munitions.

There's a word for suggesting things that aren't true about people that could harm their reputations, and it has legal ramifications. I'd step away from that precipice if I were you and just be thankful for good advice, offered freely.

Happy new year.