"The Season"

I'm sitting at the airport waiting for Hunter's plane to depart. So I'll give a short update. Will do a more elaborate one after my hunts are over in a couple weeks.

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It's been real spotty this week we have seen some bulls and heard a little bugling. We did have a bull work out into an open meadow that we weren't actually even watching, early in the morning he came in silently to some calling. He was about 300 yards out. We decided to check out a smaller chunk of woods that we had never looked at just because it was so small, it seemed overlooked. We had only worked into it a couple hundred yards and the first animal responded with a bugle.

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Another bull answered the first bull when he bulged. We had to drop about 500 feet of elevation and pretty much run about 500 yards to the west, and then we regained that elevation we had dropped. I ripped off a bugle, and silence......for 10 seconds. Then there he was, just appeared.

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We were both winded, but in a pair of seconds Hunter whispered " can I shoot"? I said if you have a shot. Literally I think when those words come out of my mouth the gun went off.

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We looked and looked and looked and couldn't find any blood or any sign of a hit. A purely and truly dejected young man he was. We decided to go back to camp for the first time of the season during daylight. We had some lunch and rested up. I didn't feel quite right. Neither did Hunter. After another half hour of searching we found three pin drops of blood. About 50 yards from the original point of impact.

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We search more and still couldn't find anything else. At that point I told Hunter hands and knees look for anything overturned or any drops of blood. I started making big swings in the direction up and away towards tree line that the bull had ran. I was actually above tree line about 30 minutes later and could smell rutting elk.

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The thermals were coming pretty much straight up at that time. So I started zigzagging about 100 yards wife's down the mountain. Of course I was ready in case this was a live elk. After getting back down to the original shot elevation but much further to the east I looked left and spotted a big bundle of tan fur.

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Crap!!! How'd I miss all this?!?! Hunter killed a bull. Yaaaaaa baby. Whoo woo. Good job. Almost glad I just found this a few minutes ago as it looks like it was pins n needles. Kick ass guys. Man this is exciting. Love the photo in 78
His first plane ride and they are deboarding and have to switch planes. Finish this update in a bit.

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Immediately I knew it was his bull but I didn't go and look at it. I made a few cow calls and a soft bugle that brought Hunter my way. I told him I found a drop of blood and he should continue that direction looking. I did turn on the camera video mode to catch his reaction. I'll post this picture again because it's truly one of my favorite pictures ever. His emotion was from the highest of highs down to the lowest lows and back to the highest highs when we found him.

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Crap!!! How'd I miss all this?!?! Hunter killed a bull. Yaaaaaa baby. Whoo woo. Good job. Almost glad I just found this a few minutes ago as it looks like it was pins n needles. Kick ass guys. Man this is exciting. Love the photo in 78

Robby, this is one of my favorite pictures ever. The emotions that he ran through that day are totally clear in this picture. Just looking at it makes me feel so many different things.

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Well he's reboarded in the plane is moving. I've got a 3 Hour Drive back to the trailhead where I'll sleep in the morning and then I will head back up for a Thursday night hunt through Sunday mid-day. Will post when I can. Good luck and stay safe to all of those who are out in the woods.

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YEEEEEAAAAAHH!! I got tied up the last couple of days and missed this too.

Congratulations Hunter. And to you too Les. Heck of a first bull!!!

The kids will be jacked to see this tonight. Great picture Les. I think you captured that moment well. Hunter's going to remember this for his lifetime.

I look forward to taking my kids out for elk. I hope we can come close to your success.

Hunter packed the bull out himself, right? I think he needs to make sure to give dad some serious props. I've got some. Kudos Les.
Ha ha my butt was dragging Wednesday. 16 miles. 8100' elevation gain, 11 miles with 80-95#. The Kifaru AMR was awesome though. Mike had his second bull in his sights yesterday but couldn't connect. I worked a small herd this morning and they are now bedded about 600 yards from me. I took a 3 hour swing up and around them. Pure hell but now I have the wind and the elevation. If it holds and they feed back up tonight things could get interesting!

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They never came back out last night, and they weren't there this morning. Details to come but things got busy for me around noon today.

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