The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

What’s the current opinion on CDEV? It really hasn’t moved much lately. Seems to not be able to break the .96 cent resistance. Is this still a long hold? With the good days we’ve had I just thought this would have moved more.
Not to criticize your post ( You're obviously much more knowledgable than me) but
I started watching Cramer over 20 years ago when he was pitching Credit default swaps, mortgage backed securities and Lehman Brothers, junk bonds. etc( We know how those turned out). I remember specifically in 1999 he was talking about what a great investment CDO's were and you really didn't need to understand them to profit off off them. I thought that was suspect.

He's right sometimes just like the other analysts. Ive been burned more than once listening to stock experts and their ratings and recommendations. The fact that all of the popular market experts completely missed and actually downplayed the 2008 crash causes me to only partially believe their picks and or recommendations. Im a cynic and think most are paid corporate shills.

I always try at least 3 resources but that doesn't always play out well. Sorry for highjack.

I don't think any company or stock is stable now for long term investing because market is so speculative now and there is so much manipulation domestic and foreign on our markets and economy.

No offense taken, and honestly I don't think I know more than anyone at all. I'm right sometimes, and I'm wrong alot. I hear you on Cramer......I will say his Covid Index has done very well. When the caller asked about XOM yesterday, Cramer provided CVX as the alternative and referenced the balance sheet, etc....sounded reasonable.
What’s the current opinion on CDEV? It really hasn’t moved much lately. Seems to not be able to break the .96 cent resistance. Is this still a long hold? With the good days we’ve had I just thought this would have moved more.
I am sitting on this too.
It’s also the same with MRO, it’s just not breaking past 6.15.
I’m tempted to cash those now and hope to pick up again next week on a dip.
VLO and NOV are both up ~6.75% though. So they’re moving.

I’m very interested in seeing where the major indexes go. SpY, 500, and DJI have been pretty garden today. The trading swings within each of the respective wedges seem to be getting tighter. When and which way are they going to break? This week or next week seems like a moment of truth.
But, I’ll take the 5-7% gains all day long until something crazy happens!
One other thing I’ve noticed is the the euro markets seem to be much less volatile. Maybe it’s just what I’m watching?
I do have a bunch of EURN ( Euro tanker company) and it has been pretty stable.
Stock market index funds outperform almost all actively managed funds. Those funds are managed by "professionals" with many tools at their fingertips. Plan to grow rich slowly, and dollar cost average into stock index funds.

No offense, but my guess is there aren't 90 pages of active traders here who have a clue. This article sums it up nicely. Or you can continue to gamble and lose overall vs plain old index funds. I'll suggest the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index as a good one.

What’s the current opinion on CDEV? It really hasn’t moved much lately. Seems to not be able to break the .96 cent resistance. Is this still a long hold? With the good days we’ve had I just thought this would have moved more.
One month ago today CDEV was at .29 (and it had been down there awhile with Covid insanity.) It's at .92 right now, that's about 315% in 30 days if my math is right.

I actually added 2K shares today at it's low, first time I've added in several weeks, the stock is constantly beaten down by day traders, but when oil breaks closer towards $40 (and that is inevitable IMHO) and oil use inceases exponentially, we should see this stock break out above a buck and stay there.
I look forward to the day when it's $3-4 a share. I'm inching up to 30K shares to make $100K easier.
Leap of faith? Maybe, but I believe in this one, it was above $5 in January.
I want a new Tundra to upgrade my '02. Wife wants a new Lexus to upgrade her '08. I'm hoping this stock does that and more.
If insider buying says anything, management at CDEV has bought millions of shares, as have many investment houses in recent weeks, days even.
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I think this dip has created a lot of opportunity in the healthcare sector. Some of the larger names like HCA with the liquidity necessary to weather the near term disruption will perform well as elective procedure volume returns over the next 4-6 quarters.
Stock market index funds outperform almost all actively managed funds. Those funds are managed by "professionals" with many tools at their fingertips. Plan to grow rich slowly, and dollar cost average into stock index funds.

No offense, but my guess is there aren't 90 pages of active traders here who have a clue. This article sums it up nicely. Or you can continue to gamble and lose overall vs plain old index funds. I'll suggest the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index as a good one.

You are correct in 99% of cases and times. But a 38% sell off in a couple of weeks is not an average time.

My 401k is well beyond 100k above the all time highs near 30k by managing it decently. If I had left it one the market I would still be down 20% hoping for a full rebound to break even at the end of the year. Now I can sit back and play with funny money out of my pocket.

Instead of a $10,000 rifle, I’d rather play with stocks and shoot a $1000 rifle with a $400 Bushnell 6500.

No one here is suggesting or implying that you should have the bulk of wealth on these trades. Some may do that, but not a good idea.

Over the last 8 weeks it was almost impossible to not make 100% profit. The market hasn’t came close to that. Almost every single stock purchased in March and April are doubled for me.
  • Sounds like this may be one of those times that 35% of the active traders actually beat the index. Congrats on being one of those. I’m still just averaging into my index funds, happily. I’d be one of the 65% of active traders who lost.

  • And you are probably right that most are just using fun money to do this. I did buy one stock at $12 about 6 weeks ago. It went to $4 and then is now at $26. So good luck to the pickers, just wanted to share another perspective.
Took some profits on KO today. Not sure how much higher it will climb in the short term so I figured I'd lock in a 20% gain.

Got some orders in the morning for CDEV @ .905, TNXP @ .692 and bought some SAVA right before close @ 2.12. If they hit, they hit, if not then at least I still have my KO money.
Stock market index funds outperform almost all actively managed funds. Those funds are managed by "professionals" with many tools at their fingertips. Plan to grow rich slowly, and dollar cost average into stock index funds.

No offense, but my guess is there aren't 90 pages of active traders here who have a clue. This article sums it up nicely. Or you can continue to gamble and lose overall vs plain old index funds. I'll suggest the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index as a good one.

SPY closed today at $296.93, 50 cents from where it closed on July 2nd, 2019 at $296.43. So over the last ~11 months, aside from the 1.95% dividend, your return is essentially Zero (.0016).


Your recommendation, VTI, aside from a 2.3% dividend is a .004 return going back to June 2019.

I don't invest for 12 month windows. My return on the Total Stock Market Index fund is 11.2% per year for hte last 10 years. So I beat 85% of the professional fund managers who trade actively. So you can cherry pick a 12 month period, but 85% will lose to my method.

Best advice I ever heard was "if you want to get rich, you do not need to beat the market, you just need to match the market." Low fee index funds, dollar cost averaging, long investment horizon, grow rich slowly.
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I don't invest for 12 month windows. My return on the Total Stock Market Index fund is 11.2% per year for hte last 10 years. So I beat 85% of the professional fund managers who trade actively. So you can cherry pick a 12 month period, but 85% will lose to my method. Try again.

You don't beat anyone I know. This is a thread for people who obviously have chosen to engage in trading stocks. If you don't believe in that, why did you feel the need to post here? Be happy with your head in the sand, listen to Dave Ramsey on loop, and mind your own business.
Here’s an example of today. I get an alert at 10:00 AM, these guys have all the fancy scanners, make $2000-$50,000 per day. I’d say $3000 is an average day for them.

10:00 their fancy stock scanner says low float, higher activity, somethings brewing. It’s up 40% at this point, so you have to read the candles and decide if it’s for you or not. They issue a notice at $.96, say it could pop in the afternoon to $1.25 or so. I buy in for $250 at 1.05. It’s pretty quiet all day, then this afternoon, boom! It jumps like nuts and I sell at $2.10. $250 while walking 5 miles on the beach eyeballing fishing holes with stock alerts turned on.

Sure I could have dropped serious money on it, but that’s how you get upside down, end up selling yourself on the corner for a pack of Marlboro’s and a quarter pounder.

10-20% is usually the goal on day trades, but if you can average 10% per week, that adds up fast.


I don’t claim to be an expert. Hell Im relatively new to most of this stuff, other than just day trading VLO for some years past. I funded this Robinhood account on 3/20 or 3/21. As of today, I’m up 20% overall. Aside from the money, I enjoy the hell out of doing it. It really interests me and I hope to learn more as time goes on. I’ve made some bad decisions and I’ve made some really good ones as well. I hope by the end of the year, I’ve made enough to pay off both the vehicles I currently own. However, if I lose every dime of it, it’s not going to put me in financial ruin. I understand some people are very “low risk”, not only with money, but most things in life in general. That sure as shit ain’t me......
I really appreciate all the advice, tips, opinions....etc that have been shared on here. I hope this thread can stay alive for months to come and we can all benefit from it. 72AA1254-04F9-45A6-9D7C-8269EBF0AAB3.jpeg
I have had fun so far. The nature of my profession is based on observations and inquiry so the stock market is pretty interesting to me.

That being said, I am still trying to realize my first 5% gain. Almost sold today, then didn't and things slid down. Oh well, live to sell again another day.
I have had fun so far. The nature of my profession is based on observations and inquiry so the stock market is pretty interesting to me.

That being said, I am still trying to realize my first 5% gain. Almost sold today, then didn't and things slid down. Oh well, live to sell again another day.
Don't forget to use the limit sell order. It can make trading a lot easier and even more profitable too.