The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Stupid question from an ignoramus..are you guys mainly trading within a standard investment account or within a retirement account like a Roth IRA? Or both?

I trade in HSA, IRA and Investment. I evaluate risk for each and scale accordingly.
Stupid question from an ignoramus..are you guys mainly trading within a standard investment account or within a retirement account like a Roth IRA? Or both?
I have a 401K that is in long term, lower risk investments.

I have about a 1000 in an IRA that I play in more risky investments and a little in a different account that I use for day trading. I am new to playing in the stock market though, so dont take any advice from me.
Sold off some SAVE that I picked up on sale last week. Sold some OXY for a little profit. 11 of the past 19 trading sessions OXY has been cheaper than what I bought in. No doubt i can buy back in at a better price.
Those that use Webull, how accurate have you found the pricing? I’ve noticed it rarely shows the correct price compared to other sites/apps
Jumped in PENN at the open for $25.55. I'm hoping itll run up a couple dollars today. Picked up some VLO and HAL also. Both seem to be making a decent run.
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Grating some fine CEQP ALLY EPR cheddar today.
Patience can be tough, but gotta love when it pays off.

Now can someone call Boeing and rattle their @ss?
Throwing small volume long holds on each of these.
I don’t have the $ like some guys do on here. Each 5% day trade is getting me closer to real flow to play with. But , I usually convert it to long holds.
Will finally be opening an IRA. Not trading with that acct.
Bought 1000 shares of UAL at 20.05 a few days ago. on a limit order I set last week I forgot about and popped up in my que. lol. I have to start paring down stocks

JETBLU,SAVE, DAL finally coming up. See if buying shares near lows will pay off .

Cramer said yesterday on Mad Money that he prefers CVX over XOM, FYI

Not to criticize your post ( You're obviously much more knowledgable than me) but
I started watching Cramer over 20 years ago when he was pitching Credit default swaps, mortgage backed securities and Lehman Brothers, junk bonds. etc( We know how those turned out). I remember specifically in 1999 he was talking about what a great investment CDO's were and you really didn't need to understand them to profit off off them. I thought that was suspect.

He's right sometimes just like the other analysts. Ive been burned more than once listening to stock experts and their ratings and recommendations. The fact that all of the popular market experts completely missed and actually downplayed the 2008 crash causes me to only partially believe their picks and or recommendations. Im a cynic and think most are paid corporate shills.

I always try at least 3 resources but that doesn't always play out well. Sorry for highjack.

I don't think any company or stock is stable now for long term investing because market is so speculative now and there is so much manipulation domestic and foreign on our markets and economy.
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