The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
IMO unless there is the threat of a direct policy-based impact to a specific industry or industries, investment decisions driven by politics is an emotional response.

The President and politics don’t generally have that much impact to the economy in general.
I can show you 500,000 reasons where you are wrong about that......grin

Halibuton during Bush/Cheney, HC during Obama,.Oil during Biden, etc

I have the profits to prove it, there are industries that benefit from certain political party policy decisions.
Trump is the current favorite by many conservatives...he is unelectable. Desantis- who I like- states he will be a pro life president....when over 70% of the country votes pro choice. Vivek Ramaswami is a common sense guy....probably unelectable.

That leaves whatever total train wreck the Democrats trot out there with an easy victory.....sad but true. Biden is done, his goose is cooked...and even though he will probably escape without prosecution due to a corrupt DOJ and FBI...his senility has been on display for too long. If it's the liberal spend spend spend Newsom- who will make Biden look like a conservative....this country is in big trouble.


Sep 29, 2012
Like I said, investing or not investing in industries that will have predictable impacts based on party platforms may make sense. But that is more dependent on the elected party being able to get legislation passed than them simply winning an election.

Forming an investment thesis now based on what democrats *might* try to do *if* elected and *if* they are able to pass legislation that would negative impact specific industries or the economy just doesn’t sense to me.

I agree with you that the Republicans may not have an electable candidate for 2024, but with the way that things are trending in our society I think we still have a good chance in congress which can help balance things out if a democratic presidential candidate prevails in 2024.

Hopefully there will be enough stink on Newsom that he is likewise unelectable. He (as well as London Breed) got called out big-time by the CEO of Gumps this week.
Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
Like I said, investing or not investing in industries that will have predictable impacts based on party platforms may make sense. But that is more dependent on the elected party being able to get legislation passed than them simply winning an election.
Being able to pass legislation doesn't mean jack squat anymore. Whoever is president will issue hundreds of executive orders & either increase or remove regulations which can cripple certain industries or help others thrive. (Keystone pipeline, etc)
In the case of Dem presidents, a lot of their EO's are unconstitutional. They are allowed to wreak havoc because it takes years to work through the courts and in the meantime the Republicans in congress are a bunch of pu**ies & won't do anything about it


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
Like I said, investing or not investing in industries that will have predictable impacts based on party platforms may make sense. But that is more dependent on the elected party being able to get legislation passed than them simply winning an election.

Forming an investment thesis now based on what democrats *might* try to do *if* elected and *if* they are able to pass legislation that would negative impact specific industries or the economy just doesn’t sense to me.

I agree with you that the Republicans may not have an electable candidate for 2024, but with the way that things are trending in our society I think we still have a good chance in congress which can help balance things out if a democratic presidential candidate prevails in 2024.

Hopefully there will be enough stink on Newsom that he is likewise unelectable. He (as well as London Breed) got called out big-time by the CEO of Gumps this week.

I respect your opinion...but this might be one of those; We don't know what we don't know- things.

Maybe I just got lucky- on twenty or so correct calls...but it's possible.

I will say right here, I think my buy I mentioned here of DVN was a bad call- just for this reason- the political environment. I had assumed the US Voters would see the light I don't think so. I think the US will be like an alcoholic....we will have to hit rock bottom for some of the loyal Dems to figure it out.

I have Quant clients that I know are making trading and such.

Most of us think- "thats can't be done"...but again, just because we can't do it doesn't mean someone else can- and they do.

Heck look at how this thread started. I have personally made thousands from this thread....and that was bailing out way early.

Now, I didn't just take Broomd word for it...I did some research and it was an under covered company that was out of favor with good potential. I've got a couple of those I'm looking at...but just don't have the conviction to share.

I would agree with the premise, threads like this is more akin to gambling than investing...but if you do some research...some might make sense as an investment.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Well done to all of those still holding PR! I honestly knew nothing about the acquisition, would have likely held through that. Had a busy Summer and frankly was really pissed about missing that $12 in March, barcoding to $9 for the next six months. Crazy, ugly stretch for sure.

I would have seen an additional $75k rise in my sheet @ $15! Alas, life is good.

Anyone else holding Luckin Coffee? I mentioned that one several times over the last few years. Still holding 1100 shares there and she's still heading upward. Sitting at about $35k in profit. Suspect that stock will head to $100, don't know that I'll hold that long. Still not relisted from OTC, but when she does--zoom.

Anyone doing the three month treasury at 5.35%? Very tempted to put much of the stock gains in there. Advise on that and thanks in advance.
Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
Anyone doing the three month treasury at 5.35%? Very tempted to put much of the stock gains in there. Advise on that and thanks in advance.
Putting about half of my "retirement" money into a mix of T's, CD's, MMKTs, structured annuities/ notes. All in the 5-8% range. Planning to shut it down in 4 years & these next 3 months can be brutal historically & I don't stomach losing as good as I used to. Thus why I sold PR at 9.30. ugh. Planning to jump back in & get more aggressive in Dec/ Jan. Been researching several of the dividend ETF's & those look pretty appealing, especially the BDC focused ones like ARCC, BXSL, CSWC or even better PBDC which is a Putnam "index" ETF comprised of several BDC's.
Would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on those


Mar 16, 2016
Most of my money is in CDs or HYSA. Its pretty hard to ignore 5%, risk free and zero effort. Still doing my standard contribution to my IRA but other than that, nothing new for me in the stock market. Just holding what I have and if I am buying, its blue chips.

Waiting to see what happens with the FED in a couple weeks and may lock some more in CDs if they jump again.

I am a little worried with the "surge" in COVID we are seeing and what the government might try as far as shutdowns again. No way an economy could handle another one. Seeing the demand drop for mortgages is a little worrisome too. Sounds like new applications are down below 1980/1990 levels. Student loan payments come online here soon. All in all, some new shocks to the system that we havent seen in a couple years.
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Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az
Well done to all of those still holding PR! I honestly knew nothing about the acquisition, would have likely held through that. Had a busy Summer and frankly was really pissed about missing that $12 in March, barcoding to $9 for the next six months. Crazy, ugly stretch for sure.

I would have seen an additional $75k rise in my sheet @ $15! Alas, life is good.

Anyone else holding Luckin Coffee? I mentioned that one several times over the last few years. Still holding 1100 shares there and she's still heading upward. Sitting at about $35k in profit. Suspect that stock will head to $100, don't know that I'll hold that long. Still not relisted from OTC, but when she does--zoom.

Anyone doing the three month treasury at 5.35%? Very tempted to put much of the stock gains in there. Advise on that and thanks in advance.
For the last 6-8 months I have been doing 4 week T-bills and getting 5+%. Easy to do and your money is not tied up for months. I set them to re-invest each 4 weeks but I can go in and cancel it, if It's not a couple days close to re-invest.

Not sure about your state, but no state income taxes on T-bills interest either. In Az it amounts 2.5%.
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Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
I read about SGMT somewhere not long ago (may have been in this thread?). Been watching it last few weeks. Just went public in mid July. Closed at $12.14 today. 12 month price target is $43+
Anyone jumping on board?


Jan 7, 2021
Well, it just doesn't seem that any news is bad news to the markets. How much higher are they interest rates going now? Anybody have any good educated guesses when/if that'll have any real effect on the markets, stocks and housing?
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Jan 15, 2020
Well, it just doesn't seem that any news is bad news to the markets. How much higher are they interested rates going now? Anybody have any good educated guesses when/if that'll have any real effect on the markets, stocks and housing?
My guess is when companies start releasing earnings and show that the economy is slowing, you may see a big sell off. But who knows, it has been a strange few years.