The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Hell of an O & G run lately, fellas. Reading everywhere about a historic super-cycle and it very well may be a reality.
AMPY killin it, held through that barge-caused pipeline fiasco after my common sense told me to sell. (I should have and bought the dip) but nice to see her flying.

GTE looking great, $1.50 imminent?
Should be 1.50 before earnings if not close. Heck they keep on pumping at $90 plus in Q1 they should break $2 by April. Good to see the volume uptick last couple weeks
Hell of an O & G run lately, fellas. Reading everywhere about a historic super-cycle and it very well may be a reality.
AMPY killin it, held through that barge-caused pipeline fiasco after my common sense told me to sell. (I should have and bought the dip) but nice to see her flying.

GTE looking great, $1.50 imminent?

I cancelled my sell orders and have been letting it ride, see you on the moon boys!
Sold MDMP at .24 today. Then an old buy order I had forgotten about hit at .1699. Worked out perfect.
Well played! I don't think the run is over once they announce oil is flowing i think a good run can happen. All signs have been positive with well pressure and frac fluids being brought out so far. Should have a major update by early next week at the latest. I'm still holding full position, but will be watching tomorrow open closely

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Keeping an eye on some Russia ETFs


They were down pretty good until Biden shuffled to the podium this afternoon with a mealy mouthed response.

No matter which way things go in Ukraine, Europe needs Russia's gas. It will just be a matter of how long until it flows again and at what price.
Keep your eyes on MULN. Super squeeze setting up possibly
Short interest is barely over 4% of float. 0.7 days to cover with weeks to the March 18th expiry.

Squeeze is incredibly unlikely. Someone handed you some bags to hold.

Edit: the above numbers are the Jan 31 data.

Currently 3.37% and 0.02 days to cover.

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Where do I go to figure out what to jump into with smaller amounts of cash?

Not the market this thread is really about, but. Thoughts on a fur boom next year?