The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

CDEV is trending on ST. Anyone else trailing with a tight stop loss?

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Depends on when you bought? I am less than a month away from some of my share lots hitting long term status, so no way I’m setting a stop loss.

there’s a lot more upside if you can hold to late summer.

If you just got in and you’re looking to turn it over quick then maybe.
Hell yes, huge party on Lake CDA.....Congrats to the CDEVians here! Hold on fellas, gonna be a wild ride--hopefully to $12 this Summer!
Don't be surprised to see $4.75 retested. But this journey is just starting.
This has been wild, and will be life changing for many. I 100% agree that this can trace back, but there’s summer ahead of us and so many catalysts to reopening and travel again.

And yes, congrats! I am not an expert at all in trading, am long on everything I’ve ever bought and that’s all I do. But last March-April, and the CDEV ticker taught me so much. And GtE...same thing.
Broomd, you still liking ETFM? Its at what I originally bought in at before I dumped at 0.020.
Ha! ....did you have to ask that? Grin, My little $1500 buy was $42,500 on my sheet two weeks it's $10,000. Groan.
Gonna hold long term. It's painful watching that kind of money evaporate, but told the wife I can see this thing getting to that coveted .068. Six figures and worth waiting out.
Ha! ....did you have to ask that? Grin, My little $1500 buy was $42,500 on my sheet two weeks it's $10,000. Groan.
Gonna hold long term. It's painful watching that kind of money evaporate, but told the wife I can see this thing getting to that coveted .068. Six figures and worth waiting out.
I like it! I bought back in at .017 and will probably average down some more today.
I really missed the mark on CDEV my average is $3.69. Still making good money though. Just nothing like some of yall!
Congrats to e everyone one who got in early!!
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Ha! ....did you have to ask that? Grin, My little $1500 buy was $42,500 on my sheet two weeks it's $10,000. Groan.
Gonna hold long term. It's painful watching that kind of money evaporate, but told the wife I can see this thing getting to that coveted .068. Six figures and worth waiting out.
If you don’t mind sharing what do you like about the company and what do you see as the catalyst that will take it up?
I don’t post in this thread much, but I have enjoyed seeing everyone’s points of view and trading strategies.
I will say that it does make some sense to hold onto positions with extremely favorable entry points. If you bought into some of these right after the March/April recovery, you’re sitting on 200-400% returns. What do I care if it drops 30-40%. You’d still be up 200+%. Then the market will eventual recover and I’ve maintained my lower cost basis. So for truly long term investors in legitimately solid companies, it does make sense.

I have several accounts I trade differently. Two of them I barely look at. The other two I actively trade in swings/options. Those shorter term accounts were all moved to 70% cash after the 1st test of 380.

That’s my perspective at least.

So I'll use PLTR as a case study of how I see it..

Bought 100 shares of PLTR on the ipo and sold it above 40, I then bought back 200 shares at 23 and change.

Am I in a better or worse position now long term for not holding?

Giving back money to the market is dumb in my opinion, especially in your 401k where there is no tax liability. I'd give it 80/20 pulling now and holding will put you in a better entry to add bigger position back, yes you won't have 100 shares with a 10.00 cost basis, but you can afford 200 shares with a 20.00 cost basis which is a win 100%.
I'm going to go off some of the above and try to learn some things about oil this weekend. Two things I generally avoid are oil and pharma, I've never been able to see through the randomness in either sector. I've been doing well in my IRA on REITs, financials, and industrials, and still see a lot of value in those.
Oil is different because most people miss the dividend factor.

Reits are still low, but I don't think we've seen all the covid fall out with them. Many are holding artificial earnings from tarp etc. That being said they have good dividend structures.
Valaris PLC's ch. 11 restructuring was approved, but I don't see anything about what will happen to shareholders' stock.

Anyone have insight if current shares will be canceled, reduced, or left alone?

I emailed their investor relations, but not holding my breath for a response.

No position, yet.

Edit: found what I was looking for.

Basically, share holders of old Valaris only get 0.01% of the equity of New Valaris and warrants that are only exercisable if senior noteholders get 100% of their investment back, i.e. not gonna happen, worthless warrants.

But, buying New Valaris after the future IPO would be like buying New GM after Old GM's 2009 ch. 11. Tarnished brand with good fundamentals.
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So I'll use PLTR as a case study of how I see it..

Bought 100 shares of PLTR on the ipo and sold it above 40, I then bought back 200 shares at 23 and change.

Am I in a better or worse position now long term for not holding?

Giving back money to the market is dumb in my opinion, especially in your 401k where there is no tax liability. I'd give it 80/20 pulling now and holding will put you in a better entry to add bigger position back, yes you won't have 100 shares with a 10.00 cost basis, but you can afford 200 shares with a 20.00 cost basis which is a win 100%.
That’s a perfectly great play for someone who is actively managing these investments. There’s a lot to be said for not having to worry about it. Neither wrong. Neither right. They’re both better than a savings account.
That’s a perfectly great play for someone who is actively managing these investments. There’s a lot to be said for not having to worry about it. Neither wrong. Neither right. They’re both better than a savings account.
Failure to act is the biggest mistake people make in the market.
The day doesn't get any stanger, bug in stock trading company, couldn't sell. On the line for over 2 hours, they finally pick up verify, working on back end etc. Guys says I can make the order manually. I tentatively agree, he sees the block I want to sell. Tells me it will go through, I look, he booked and sold portions of the wrong block! WTF! So........... Back on the line waiting to see what can be done.......... Huge error on their part.
dang, i missed out on some serious gains on SANP...even though they seem like a scam company, i had picked up a pile of shares a while back for $0.003/share, it hit a penny today, i sold when it hit 0.005 because something just didn't seem right.....dangit.