The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Market has changed. Id be very careful now especially speculating on tech. I think Ive mentioned this in the past but this reminds me somewhat of the tech crash. IMO

I think you've got a few separate bubbles: tech, pennies/micro caps, EV's, SPACs, just to name a few.

Thing is rate hikes, Japanese recession, and Enron/Worldcom scandals all pissed gasoline on the fire in 2000/2001. As of right now we really don't have any of that....unless...We've got kindof an interesting scenario with the money printing MMT theory now. I personally don't believe the inflation bears, but other than potentially being a risk, now that we are poised for a booming economy the next few years assuming the vaccines knock back Covid.

I think, and I've discussed this with a few people in finance that know a whole lot more than me, that those bubbly things can pop or rollercoaster this time without an effect on the broader market. That's the way I am playing it. Still messing around with some hype stuff, but the gravy train that was March 2020 into this month I think is over. But I still think if you look beyond the hype stuff there is a ton of value out there, just looking at more normal stock market returns, not quick casino multiples.
Market has changed. Id be very careful now especially speculating on tech. I think Ive mentioned this in the past but this reminds me somewhat of the tech crash. IMO
To me these crypto and mining stocks are very reminiscent of the Marijuana pump about 10 years ago. Penny stocks with zero experience in the field claiming to be working on CBD, hemp etc just to ride the wave. I lost my a$$ with a lot of them. About the only thing that saved me was buying a few thousand shares of canopy growth on the IPO day.
did it drop almost 80 per cent today?

I had it on my watch list
Looks like it, I'm in around .20.
Can't imagine the SEC would have allowed them to re-list if they were engaged in blatant malfeasance to start with.
Seems like it's worth a few $.

Just picked up more GTE at .88, the market didn't agree with my ER sentiment, grin.
Threw a few bucks at ALMY based solely on Fred Davis (from stocktwit) short term jump seems good, will see how it goes.

All the comments on TSNP and CCIV are helpful, I definely was playing TSNP as a long term play/gamble. Its definetly an idea, with potential, but my thoughts are its pretty over priced for where they are at as a company. I was a little taken aback when they jumped so fast into the dollar range and beyond. I figured it would be a dollar by Aug... lol.
I think I have to go back to biting and scratching for 5% flips. The last few months I've been able to just throw shit at the wall and have it stick. Market is a little different now for me and I have to tighten my belt.

With this GME stuff going on, the market will be unsettled. The MM that Citadel and shorts do should be illegal, but the Redditt stuff works against all of us.
I took a beating again, just when I thought I distanced myself from enough. Im way to aggressive, i gotta dial it back just a hair. GE hurt my feelings today
What happrned at 1:30 central? I
Was in meetings all afternoon, things looked ok around noon, then logged in at the close in and was like wtf?
I'm in a long position on BTC. Target buy @ $47,300 zone or below. I'm in @ $47,500. Trade is pretty much valid right now as close to that zone as possible. It already rejected and shot up once a bit ago. Take profit target 62-64K in the next week or so. It should finally go after this checkpoint as long as Elon stays off his twitter!
Two red days in 2021 so far and both of them were this week. Still up big for the year but can't handle many more beating like this. I wish the GME/Reddit crowd would disappear. Retail traders got screwed the first go around when the suits changed the rules and it's definitely not helping the market in round 2.

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Yes, for FORW too.
It's a small split, not going to sweat it. Might even help in the long run getting TSNP and FORW out of pennyland.
I agree. I think this is a healthy move for them. Their(TSNP) float was waaaaaay too much. If you're holding long, I think this is a positive move for future growth.
I agree. I think this is a healthy move for them. Their(TSNP) float was waaaaaay too much. If you're holding long, I think this is a positive move for future growth.

Ya, long term its a good move. Gonna be a short term bath most likely. I see 26 March should be the ticker change to HMBL. This is definetly a gamble, depending on the timing of the split I like the vision, time will tell if they can pull it off.