The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Weekly Watch list:
I hold the First 5 -
Added to all my holds Monday morning. Had 35% cash on reserve, used about 15%.
Then added OPTI, TRIT, ABML, SXOOF, SANP*, ASTI with the leftover 20% by 10am Monday.

Sold the positions I had profit on today and returned to about 22% cash. Skating on thin Ice for a while.

I threw a $200 YOLO at NAKD right at close today. If this crap squeezes out, I'll be laughing all the way.

??? - Any big changes to you guys strategies??????????? - other than reacting to the correction?

*SANP is a hottie, if you like dates that cost pennies.
I guess one trip to losing money wasnt enough. Tomorrow ill sell some CC puts to these morons at strikes that will never hit "we like free money"

Friday when my CC on AMC gets assigned Ill turn it into a wheel too. Im done caring what the market does, make it up or down who cares.
Hang tough, JIH.
Remember the 'buy low, sell high' thing. Keep it simple, solid stuff, be patient. Don't reinvent the wheel (sorry.)
I found this chart very interesting. Dollar decline is a "mirror" to SPX. If we melt up on the 500, dollar is looking not so good. Crypto anyone? Hopefully no more dollars printed!!!!

Added to all my holds Monday morning. Had 35% cash on reserve, used about 15%.
Then added OPTI, TRIT, ABML, SXOOF, SANP*, ASTI with the leftover 20% by 10am Monday.

Sold the positions I had profit on today and returned to about 22% cash. Skating on thin Ice for a while.

I threw a $200 YOLO at NAKD right at close today. If this crap squeezes out, I'll be laughing all the way.

??? - Any big changes to you guys strategies??????????? - other than reacting to the correction?

*SANP is a hottie, if you like dates that cost pennies.
I almost YOLOd GME at 80/share back in the craze. Wish I would have.
I almost YOLOd GME at 80/share back in the craze. Wish I would have.
I bought an AMC call at like 1pm after watching it all day for $40. Sold at $80...

It's gonna open at about $200+ tomorrow AM lol damnit.

Gains are gains but wow watching that missed % skyrocket is tough
Gme thing got me started on this been sitting on it since it tanked not really sure what to do with it now that it’s going up lol

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Made the jump and bought a single whole Tesla stock! Woot! So this is how it feels to play with the big ones!
Gme thing got me started on this been sitting on it since it tanked not really sure what to do with it now that it’s going up lol

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Nows your chance to not be a bag holder, id let it peel off at opening and then sell it but thats me. The IV is insane, cant imagine this lasts more than friday.

Read somewhere speculation its a gamma squeeze. If so, might end today.
One more thing I found tonight.

$TSNP will change to $HMBL on Friday.

OTC guy George Sharp tweeted it out tonight. Of course, I cant confirm this totally, but he's a pretty reputable guy.

Yessir, could be exciting over the next couple days/weeks for those that held strong through the ups and downs.

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think the price will dip once the name changes? good time to hop on HUMBL?

That I don’t know. I’ve seen speculation of it shooting up and have heard that it could drop at the ticker change before heading up. In my opinion, it’s as good of an opportunity to buy in as we’ll get, because I think the app will be introduced shortly after the ticker change, and that should definitely cause the SP to shoot up/fomo.

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think the price will dip once the name changes? good time to hop on HUMBL?
I have 1200 shares of it and started buying around 40 cents but the majority were later. Soon as I dump this bag holders 20 shares of BB in my IRA at open im going to take whatever profit it has and buy more.

I dont think you get rich on this in six months, could be wrong. Reality is prob more a year if you wanna see big gains. Thats why I have it in my IRA so I dont look at it every day.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but in that SPAC graph that was posted if you look at the bottom where the green bracket is it talks about price increasing before a merger happens which usually results in a ticker change. Humbl and Tesoro officially merged back in December, what is happening this week is strictly a ticker change. That would be my argument for why it hopefully won’t follow the typical spac trend of that graph . Or am I missing something?

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LOTZ announced their earnings date yesterday for March 15. Been averaging down on this one for awhile now and enjoying the gains today for now. The shorts should cover before the run into earnings, we'll see. Hoping the GME craze will give another sale on some other stocks, looking to build an inflationary section of my portfolio but they have already run up good, hopefully I get a dip.
One more thing I found tonight.

$TSNP will change to $HMBL on Friday.

OTC guy George Sharp tweeted it out tonight. Of course, I cant confirm this totally, but he's a pretty reputable guy.
I can't find any filings with the SEC or OTCMKTS. This stock doesn't pass my sniff test. I could be wrong. Either way, be careful.
I've done hours of DD on HUMBL/TSNP. Made some good cash off the jump, then I stupidly bought back in too high. Still came out with a nice profit but it could have been really nice.

I'd say there's more than a remote chance it's a complete scam. Management team seems a little shaky. They are rolling out their products internationally which clouds the picture a lot. Some major players have attempted to roll out crypto ETFs but haven't been approved by the SEC. I see this George Sharp guy thrown out as some kind of OTC whisperer, but what are his actual accomplishments?

I think there is still some potential hype money to be made. I don't think the ticker change will do much in the next few days, it's already known and priced in. It was top 5 traded in Fidelity at one point last week. The whole penny market I think is going to be a rollercoaster as the hype chasers shift focus around, so there is potential to ride the momentum there.

Maybe it's legit and they can build this thing out and not get crushed by a company with more resources, sure there's a chance of that. It's not zero, but it is far, far, far, very very far from being the next paypal as the hypers want to suggest.