The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Any advice on AXAS? Sitting on 28.5 k shares at 34 per cent up now. Sitting on it 4 months. Think it can move up another dollar easily. Trying not to be greedy. In normal markets it would be a no brainer sell.
Hedge fund Citidel owns robinhood and the GME short seller Melvin Capital Management. Yeah, I think it goes somewhere but we will see.
GME has raised hell with the GTE stock price for many months. They've been selling millions and killing momentum. Why? They were stuck trying to cover shorting TSLA which obviously went very poorly. WHO SHORTS TSLA these days!? Oh yeah, GME does.

Many are sick and tired of the MM these f****s have wrought on our common stocks. Could be why GTE shot up today.....comeuppance for Citadel.
I put in a request for all of my robinhood stuff to be transferred to my new fidelity account. You could do that without having to sell
Good to know because that is where I was going to take it.

Well there is a 75 dollar fee to transfer it. That would be over half of what I currently have in there. **** that. I will leave my money there till I die before I pay that.
Good to know because that is where I was going to take it.

Well there is a 75 dollar fee to transfer it. That would be over half of what I currently have in there. **** that. I will leave my money there till I die before I pay that.
That's weird I didn't see anything about a fee. Did you process it through fidelity
My SNDE just jumped 58 per cent towards end of trading. What the hell is going on today? lol Not complaining mind you
GME (Citadel Capital) has raised hell with the GTE stock price for many months. They've been selling millions and killing momentum. Why? They were stuck trying to cover shorting TSLA which obviously went very poorly. WHO SHORTS TSLA these days!? Oh yeah, GME does.

Many are sick and tired of the MM these f****s have wrought on our common stocks. Could be why GTE shot up today.....comeuppance for Citadel.
Sorry to quote my own post here, but for reference....
Talk about "collusion"...

So what’s tomorrow’s play? AAL? NOK? Need something to do other than watching index funds while waiting on CCIV.
Way back last spring I bought 75 shares of AMC at $2.98 after watching it bounce around up and down. I got out at $2.97 about a month ago. I should have got oit when it was in the $6 range. Then it goes to $20. Shows how smart I am. I was only buying what I thought would be long term holds. I got scared of AMC so got out at same as a break even.
Talked me into it, that was easy. Just put in an order for some AAL, hopefully 5 million other people do the same in the all out revolt that I suspect is coming tomorrow
Talked me into it, that was easy. Just put in an order for some AAL, hopefully 5 million other people do the same in the all out revolt that I suspect is coming tomorrow
Cancel that! Buy NOK (yes, I'm holding NOK).

Wild times, be careful. I'd your not careful be safe! If your not safe atleast name them after me!

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