The Rokslide/First Lite Buck Hunt - Ryan Avery/ Kenton Carruth

That pic with Robby is priceless. Total photo bomb face.

Great video ! When you don't get goofy excited it's time to quit.

Heck, I cried when I got my Colorado buck (my largest, and greatest test of my determinitation). If you don't get emotional buy beef.
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I don't have a tag Matt, so just Ryan and Kenton hunting.

Kenton and I hiked in several miles toward the back of the ranch tonight while Ryan sat on point with his 12x Swaros texting us directions to deer he'd seen, which we completely screwed up and ended up a mile from the deer- had a good laugh on that back at the truck. Oh well, we all saw bucks but no stalks available.

Kenton and I are headed back to where he almost shot the good buck this morning while guide Avery texts out random waypoints...

Here is the video from last night. I'm kinda spastic but Ryan said it's good, so here you go....

"kinda spastic"?!?! Pound sand Robby!

It's a perfect fall day. I've got a good buck in my urban honey hole. I was supposed to be chasing him right now and, instead, I'm stuck at work. I was grumbling into my coffee, indulging in some self-pity when I pulled this up.

Your "kinda spastic" infected me with a smile and some good cheer. Consider it a public service, don't be self conscious.

Great buck and a fun story. It's a bonus that Tanya will be jealous. Good luck on a buck for Kenton.
I kinda miss hunting Muleys. Deer have always been an after thought to elk, but always used to go deer hunting. Now I have 14 points so haven't really been deer hunting in some time. Ya, I've picked up a few leftover archery doe tags but not quite the same. Next year. In the meantime I'll just live vicariously through you guys.
I saw this earlier today and just had a chance to watch the video. Congratulations Ryan and Robby!!!! That is an awesome deer!!!!!! The video is absolutely priceless to see schoolboys get so excited about a deer. Makes you want to hunt.
"kinda spastic"?!?! Pound sand Robby!

It's a perfect fall day. I've got a good buck in my urban honey hole. I was supposed to be chasing him right now and, instead, I'm stuck at work. I was grumbling into my coffee, indulging in some self-pity when I pulled this up.

Your "kinda spastic" infected me with a smile and some good cheer. Consider it a public service, don't be self conscious.

Great buck and a fun story. It's a bonus that Tanya will be jealous. Good luck on a buck for Kenton.

'Tanya will be jealous'. WHATEVER! I was very happy for Fuzzy Wuzzy!!! I rejoice in the success of my spouse, not envy it. I'm just not sure where we are going to mount that big-ass donkey. The walls are already filled! Time for a new house Fuzzy
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^^^^LOL! We are all happy for Ryan. That's a brute of a buck.

And I think we're all happy that he has a bride with a fantastic sense of humor and an indomitable spirit. Even though I only know Ryan from posts on Rokslide, it cracks me up that you've adopted Fuzzy Wuzzy as a pet name.

I have some more dues to pay before I will have some greater freedom. I enjoy the banter, enthusiasm and pictures of these threads while I'm stuck in my salt mine.

Here's to hoping Kenton seals the deal on a monster buck as well.
I don't want to steal the thunder from Fuzzy, but I'm so proud of my new mount, I can't help but share it!
Well as much as I love to be the source of all of your guys' entertainment...I think I will pass
Back on track - looking forward to the rest of the updates and good luck!

This hunt helped kill some time before my deer hunt which opens Wednesday. The forecast is calling for 4-8" of snow Tuesday which would be great except for the 25-35mph wind forecasted Wednesday and gusting higher. Gonna make for some tough hunting...
Hey thanks everyone. Glad some of you are planning on hunting the rut, too. It can be magical.

Sure, change Ryan's name to to Fuzzy Wuzzy but Kenton calls him "The Bar" (as in bear) up here (long funny story)

Long day. Up at 5:00 and back on the buck from yesterday. With the weather moderating there was not near the activity, especially for bucks, today. No shot opps and was back out same area tonight. Set an ambush for the same buck but only his does showed up. It's really brushy so I'm sure he's close.

Loaded Ryan's buck in the truck tonight- man what a sight to see the brute in the truck!




Ryan leaves after the morning hunt tomorrow. Kenton and I are hiking back into same area we've been hunting as I'm sure that shooter buck is still there- brushy, lots of conifer/aspen and plenty of does. No reason for him to leave and possibly another good buck could be in there...We have just tomorrow to get Kenton a buck- so wish us luck. Last pic is of Kenton's sweet little 6.5 Creedmoore, hope to heat that barrel a little bit
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Well this seems appropriate now that you mention Kenton's nickname.


Full discosure: mostly bald myself...
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Well this seems appropriate now that you mention Kenton's nickname.


Full discosure: mostly bald myself...

W.T.F was THAT?! I'm not sure if I'm more amused, or horrified that crap is shaping young minds