The Rokslide/First Lite Buck Hunt - Ryan Avery/ Kenton Carruth

Hunting in similar weather today. Blowing snow, dropped 6" overnight. Reminding me why I like muzzleloader. Rocking the North Branch pants with a llano and Halstead with a sanctuary for sitting rounded out with a fusion 22 mag. Hopefully will have a fusion bull tonight to justify freezing my ass off. Congrats on the buck!
You guys do know that hunting at night is illegal, don't you.:cool:

When I was younger I used to absolutely love hunting and camping in that kind of weather. But these days nice 75 degree sunny days and nights in the 50's are what I love. But I should have my trophy muley tag next year for the first two weeks of December, so I need to start preparing myself now.

Great buck, Ryan.
yes COlineman and 5Miles, plenty cold but it makes the hunting great. We saw four shooter bucks with Kenton this morning but couldn't close the gaps before they hit the trees. We did get on a good 160+ buck with decent mass but he was a "good poke out there" (Kenton's words) at 600 (could not get closer) and there just wasn't enough time to do it right before that buck made the brush. Kenton was about 20 seconds from pulling the trigger.

Ryan was shooting the new Swarovski X5 3.5-18x50, released in October. It's Swaro's first true long range scope and is on the lighter side of LR scopes at 27 ounces. Ryan's already got 400 rounds under it and says it's the best glass you can buy in a LR scope and you can dial with it.


Getting ready to head back out. Kenton made us Chorizo burritos. I'm glad Ryan has his own room and will be glassing by himself...
I don't have a tag Matt, so just Ryan and Kenton hunting.

Kenton and I hiked in several miles toward the back of the ranch tonight while Ryan sat on point with his 12x Swaros texting us directions to deer he'd seen, which we completely screwed up and ended up a mile from the deer- had a good laugh on that back at the truck. Oh well, we all saw bucks but no stalks available.

Kenton and I are headed back to where he almost shot the good buck this morning while guide Avery texts out random waypoints...

Here is the video from last night. I'm kinda spastic but Ryan said it's good, so here you go....
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When can we expect to see a review on the X5 scope?

Ryan was shooting the new Swarovski X5 3.5-18x50, released in October. It's Swaro's first true long range scope and is on the lighter side of LR scopes at 27 ounces. Ryan's already got 400 rounds under it and says it's the best glass you can buy in a LR scope and you can dial with it.......................what more you need?