The increased pressure frankly has made some areas un huntable. First time in 32 years i witnessed two younger hunters trespass then argue with the landowner when caught. Then proceed to walk 25 yards passed me making more noise than a herd of elephants and all by 0630 on opening day. These guys appeared to be early 20s, so Gen Zers? Talking and staring at their phones the whole time they walked by me so don’t see how anyone involved (me, them, or the landowner) had a positive experience.
More numbers isn’t always a good thing guys. More “conservation money” is worthless when the QUALITY of the hunts erode. In some spots it’s just been terrible to the point i won’t hunt certain areas anymore and that’s after 3 decades afield. So how is that a positive to drive hunters looking for quality hunts away in favor of just packing public lands to the point no one is enjoying it much?
Sorry, i’m looking forward to things returning to how they were and new hunters taking to the field because they’re being mentored by hunters not Youtube, social media, and spurned on by boredom.