The Paleo Diet


Dec 9, 2017
I've been on the Paleo diet for about 2 months. If you've ever heard of the Whole 30, its like that but less restrictive. No grains, dairy, certain kinds of oils, and most sugars. For oils, you can use olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, ghee or lard/tallow. For sugars, you can do honey, maple syrup and coconut sugar, but in moderation. I also cut out alcohol as well. Lost 15 lbs in the first 3 weeks.

For me, beer and sugar were/are the enemy. Hard for me to moderate. With this diet, I eat lots of meat, eggs and vegetables, and some fruit. Huge salads every night. Developed a recipe for waffles using almond flour and tapioca flour, and it is really good. Fry my eggs in lard every morning. What could be wrong with that?

Fat has been demonized by the general populace for a long time, but its really only the heavily processed fats and hydrogenated fats. Fat is good, excessive carbs and sugar are bad. I'm training my body to burn fat for energy instead of sugar. With sugar, you crash, and then your body wants more. And the cycle continues. Can still drink coffee, and sometimes make bulletproof coffee (add ghee and coconut oil). The fat makes the caffeine last longer, and also satiates at the same time. Tastes like a latte, without all the sugar.

There's a great book by a fella named Mark Sisson that explains this diet and why it makes sense. He's got a great website with info, recipes, etc, called Mark's Daily Apple.

I may drink again, but probably not till I knock down a bull elk this fall. Then whisky all around!

In reality, this is a diet that cuts out the junk. And what is more paleo than hunting for your own meat?
removing beer and decreasing sugar/processed food is probably the best change you could do to improve your diet, good on you for finding something that works for you and sticking with it
Feb 9, 2021
I have a few questions for people that are going paleo.
I am wondering why are you guys paleo?
Is it because of a medical reason?
Is it just a lifestyle that you enjoy?
Is it religious-related?
What did you think of people that were paleo before you became paleo?



Jul 7, 2015
I think a lot of these diets that people seem to believe in so much don't necessarily derive their success from whatever the particular ideology behind the diet is; instead, I think the success comes from people cutting out crap.

For example, people get on X diet, see results and then start preaching how great X diet is when all along the reason they really lost all the weight was cutting back sugar, alcohol and a good portion of processed carbohydrates.