"THE NRA IS KILLING OUR KIDS" and other crazy comments out there

Dec 29, 2016
Reno, NV
I was floored when a friend of mine, a card carrying member of the Democratic Party, shared a post on Facebook and asking people to join him on his "runforsomething.net" event. I had to comment and this elicited even more comments that were completely misinformed about the NRA. So, I thought that we can share the craziest, funniest, most outlandish political comments out there in the net. Please keep this discussion to the comments and not the underlying themes or political discussions. Let's just share in the hilarious nature of some people who exist on both sides of the aisle. Enjoy.
Personally I don't find these crazy comments amusing. The comments stem either from ignorance of the issue or they are intentionally misleading. I don't like the fact that so many people are ill informed while maintain unwavering support to take not only our own second amendment rights away, but their own as well.

If this was a fringe group I could chuckle with you over this but I don't see this main stream movement as anything to take lightly.
The arm-teachers plan seems crazy to a lot of people.

My guess is it sounds "crazy" to people who mostly live in urban areas or unfriendly gun states... Seems perfectly normal and acceptable from where I sit. Probably sounds "crazy" to a teacher in Chicago who doesn't know the first thing about guns. All in your perspective I guess.
If this was a fringe group I could chuckle with you over this but I don't see this main stream movement as anything to take lightly.

I disagree with you this being a "mainstream" movement. It is important to understand how the people around you think as well as multiple sources for news media. These comments are from extremists and the left leaning liberal media is giving them airtime because it gets them ratings. That is all. I was just curious if my posted comment was the worst. I would like to see others, just to share.
I agree with flatlander, not amusing.
There are many aspects about this issue that are not amusing. For one, real people are dying in the places that are supposed to be safe for our kids. Also, I do want to point out that whether we want to admit it or not, there is a real problem in this country with these shootings. The "crazy liberal comments" are just as damaging as our comments like "guns don't kill people, people kill people". These polarizing one sided comments do no good to solve the problem. To turn this issue into a political ground to gain or lose shows how shallow we have become as a society. It is my opinion that if you only cast liberal comments as something to laugh about within our own group, then we are set to lose more than them. There are answers to mass shootings. There are answers to protect our gun rights. I don't have the answers, but until we are willing to come together to fix this, it will continue in this finger pointing circle. Remember, we have the most to lose here...
Sorry NevadaZ, don't mean to jump on you personally.
Some people are mentally retarded, some of those like others to know. It saddens me, but its the cruel world we live in.
My guess is it sounds "crazy" to people who mostly live in urban areas or unfriendly gun states... Seems perfectly normal and acceptable from where I sit. Probably sounds "crazy" to a teacher in Chicago who doesn't know the first thing about guns. All in your perspective I guess.

You are correct, but the majority of our schools and students reside in urban areas. So the majority perspective would be that arming teachers is crazy.
I disagree with you this being a "mainstream" movement. It is important to understand how the people around you think as well as multiple sources for news media. These comments are from extremists and the left leaning liberal media is giving them airtime because it gets them ratings. That is all. I was just curious if my posted comment was the worst. I would like to see others, just to share.

Most people aren't blaming the NRA for this but the public opinion is shifting ever day. I keep hearing people say "I support the 2nd amendment but there's no reason to have an assault rifle" and I say to myself "then you don't support the 2nd amendment."
It is my opinion that if you only cast liberal comments as something to laugh about within our own group, then we are set to lose more than them. There are answers to mass shootings. There are answers to protect our gun rights. I don't have the answers, but until we are willing to come together to fix this, it will continue in this finger pointing circle. Remember, we have the most to lose here...
Sorry NevadaZ, don't mean to jump on you personally.

Actually, this thread is open to BOTH sides of the aisle, as I stated earlier. We are looking for the really crazy comments from all angles. I am not saying that only liberal comments are crazy.

I do not feel like you were jumping on me at all. Good conversation. No worries.
The most ridiculously hilarious thing in all of this is that both sides think its only going to take one or two things to solve the mass shootings problem. More guns or no guns isn’t going to change a damn thing long term.
I wish the NRA would take a more proactive position in guiding gun laws rather than just opposing those who are not in favor of the 2cnd amendment.
Sooner or later things are going to change unfavorably for american gun owners, the writing is on the wall. It would be great for the NRA to help steer the plane towards a safe landing place rather than fight all the way to the scene of the crash. That was a metaphor y’all.
You are correct, but the majority of our schools and students reside in urban areas. So the majority perspective would be that arming teachers is crazy.

You are probably right. Which leads to an even bigger issue in my mind. Slowly but surely we get all the urban sprawl folks making the decisions for the rest of us. I can do without there left leaning liberal policies. Our nation is changing... no doubt about that.
I wish the NRA would take a more proactive position in guiding gun laws rather than just opposing those who are not in favor of the 2cnd amendment.

Here's a new one ^^^^^.

People not in favor of the Constitution, the Amendments, and the liberties, freedoms, and rights that they employ are the enemy.......domestic enemies to the Constitution. We are to "oppose" those enemies and do everything in our power to defend the Constitution. The NRA is already proactive in doing that. ANY new gun laws are just an added infringement. We should oppose any and all of those, including all who support them, if you're an American.

People don't have to like the Constitution and even the 2nd Amendment, but when they try to weaken it, degrade it, or take it away they immediately identify themselves as enemies to it, and America in the process.
^^^^^ total and completely utter lack of perspective like this is the biggest enemy of gun rights, no matter what group they subscribe to.
^^^^^ total and completely utter lack of perspective like this is the biggest enemy of gun rights, no matter what group they subscribe to.

There's only one perspective........the Constitution of the United States. That is the foundation that everything else in our country stands on......period. Anything other than that perspective is the biggest enemy to our nation! And we're seeing it. There's a reason why the 2nd Amendment is the ONLY one with the words "shall not be infringed upon". So they can infringe all they want on any of the others, but not the 2nd. But unfortunately, they've already infringed upon it many times over the last several decades. NO more.