"THE NRA IS KILLING OUR KIDS" and other crazy comments out there


Jul 9, 2013
With all due respect 5Miles.......I am an NRA member and even i admit they could be better at certain things and i dont agree with them on everything...that being said i wont be cancelling my membership anytime soon. My question to you is this...How does raising the age limit to 21 for semi-auto long guns, required background checks for ALL transfers or sales (private or FFL) in ALL states, and a ban on bump stocks infringe on our 2nd amendment rights? You still have the guns, there is no "loophole" at gun shows, and no one cares about bump stocks. Im just trying to find a middle ground where everyone feels like its a fair deal. We have stopped trying to come together and formulate solutions, and that's really frustrating. We ALL want these school shootings to stop. I do believe schools need to have more protection in place for kids and that is part of the discussion as well, but I am trying to find a middle ground where those of us who love the constitution and our 2nd amendment rights feel like we are not losing much or anything but those on the "gun control" side see us trying to find common or middle ground. Mental health is also something we need to address on a large scale, i think most of us can agree on that. Thanks for your time.

There's only one perspective........the Constitution of the United States. That is the foundation that everything else in our country stands on......period. Anything other than that perspective is the biggest enemy to our nation! And we're seeing it. There's a reason why the 2nd Amendment is the ONLY one with the words "shall not be infringed upon". So they can infringe all they want on any of the others, but not the 2nd. But unfortunately, they've already infringed upon it many times over the last several decades. NO more.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Study our history of gun control legislation. We've already given to "middle ground" MANY times over. And it's never enough......they eventually will want it all.

Personally, I believe the 2nd Amendment is there for only one reason.......to prevent tyranny. But some expect us to do that carrying muskets. That thinking is more ludicrous than our thinking that the 2nd Amendment guarantees anything and everything that the military has access to.

We already were born with the God-given right to protect ourselves, so we don't need a 2nd Amendment to be able to carry and protect ourselves and our families, but the 2nd seems to be used a lot for those arguments as well.

Adding age limits, banning bump stocks, banning guns, whatever "feel good" legislation they come up with for the 99% of the law-abiding Americans......will not prevent these nutjobs from carrying out their motives. Did the legislation of banning murdering work? Did the legislation of banning guns at schools work? Of course not. I'm not a feel-good legislation kind of guy.

The problem is people's perspectives. It's just like "In the beginning God". If you start with that perspective and foundation, everything else falls into place in life. Same for our nation.........start with the United States Constitution as your perspective and foundation, and everything else for our nation will fall into place.
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Oct 19, 2012
Western Montana
One clear problem that a lot of folks don't think about or realize is a problem is this: As a retired LEO (33 yrs on 4/27/2017) part of this problem is not enforcing existing gun laws. I speak for myself but I suspect there are other out there who will say the same thing. I have had a few cases where we had a convicted felon (Federal Offense) on other offenses in possession or using this firearm in the commission of a crime and would want out ATF/Fed guy to file charges on the possession of this weapon. Heard it more than once that "You folks have quite a few charges on this person and have them pretty good. Don't see the need to stack on more." What the hell is the law for then if we aren't going to use it and why not stack more charges on this person so we the public don't have to be on the receiving end of their evilness for as long as possible.


Aug 5, 2013
Most people aren't blaming the NRA for this but the public opinion is shifting ever day. I keep hearing people say "I support the 2nd amendment but there's no reason to have an assault rifle" and I say to myself "then you don't support the 2nd amendment."

I'm sorry but every right comes with some infringement. The freedom of speech comes with you can't yell fire in a theater, this is because your personal freedom of speech does not outweigh another person’s right to be safe. When it comes to the 2nd amendment there already is infringement (not many people think a person should own a nuclear bomb or an f-16). and there will continue to be infringement when personal safety of others outweighs your right to own a gun. The question is where is this line? If we as hunters/gun owners don't at least have a conversation about issues and just always say the second amendment has no infringements we will lose our rights in the next 50 years as gun ownership dwindles. In 1994 50% of Americans owned guns, now only 35% of Americans own guns. We are the minority and as these events come up and personal opinion changes our rights will continue to dwindle.


Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
I'm sorry but every right comes with some infringement. The freedom of speech comes with you can't yell fire in a theater, this is because your personal freedom of speech does not outweigh another person’s right to be safe. When it comes to the 2nd amendment there already is infringement (not many people think a person should own a nuclear bomb or an f-16). and there will continue to be infringement when personal safety of others outweighs your right to own a gun. The question is where is this line? If we as hunters/gun owners don't at least have a conversation about issues and just always say the second amendment has no infringements we will lose our rights in the next 50 years as gun ownership dwindles. In 1994 50% of Americans owned guns, now only 35% of Americans own guns. We are the minority and as these events come up and personal opinion changes our rights will continue to dwindle.

It is illegal to yell fire in a theater. It is also illegal to go out and shoot people. That's the line for the 2nd amendment. Guns are tools. Cars are tools. Knives are tools. Cell phones are tools. Exactly what tools are you willing to part with?

We have been having the "conversation" my whole life.


Aug 5, 2013
It is illegal to yell fire in a theater. It is also illegal to go out and shoot people. That's the line for the 2nd amendment. Guns are tools. Cars are tools. Knives are tools. Cell phones are tools. Exactly what tools are you willing to part with?

We have been having the "conversation" my whole life.

I feel universal background checks on all firearm sale is a tool I'm willing to part with it. All I'm saying is if we just ignore the other side and insult people we disagree with we, we are going to lose our rights as gun ownership continues to dwindle in the united states.


Jul 3, 2014
arkansas or ohio
how many of you have bought a gun at a gun show using the ' gun show loophole'? recently?

universal background checks? really, you are aware that this means total registration to accomplish that, right?


Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
It is astounding that folks cannot see that every time there is a mass shooting, gun owners will be called upon to give up more rights until they are no more. But appease them and all will be well.

Prime Minister Chamberlain of Great Britain was sure that if he gave Hitler his way on the Sudetenland he would be happy and leave them alone. Churchill thought otherwise and history bears out who was right.


Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
I feel universal background checks on all firearm sale is a tool I'm willing to part with it. All I'm saying is if we just ignore the other side and insult people we disagree with we, we are going to lose our rights as gun ownership continues to dwindle in the united states.

You "feel".

I can't debate your emotions.

Just no getting through when emotion overcomes logic.


Aug 5, 2013
You "feel".

I can't debate your emotions.

Just no getting through when emotion overcomes logic.

Wow.... Ok I didn't insult anyone.

Delete the I feel. Universal background checks on a firearm is a tool I'm willing to part with.


Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
There is no insults expressed by me toward you or anyone on the other side of the issue. Please understand the other sides' methods and goals. They will never relent until all of your rights are no more. The second amendment is the only thing standing in their way.

Your mileage may vary.


Feb 19, 2018
My question to you is this...How does raising the age limit to 21 for semi-auto long guns, required background checks for ALL transfers or sales (private or FFL) in ALL states, and a ban on bump stocks infringe on our 2nd amendment rights?

So someone can join the military and fight four this country, but not buy their own firearm? Also, you don't need a bump stock to bump fire a semi auto rifle.

On the issue of background checks for private sales, the vast majority of guns that were used, were purchased through a dealer.

How about they talk about the role mind altering prescription medications played in many of these shootings. Policitians wont discuss this, because big pharmaceutical companies donate a whole lot more to them than the NRA. Heck, the NRA doesn't even make the top 50 for political spending.


Aug 5, 2013
There is no insults expressed by me toward you or anyone on the other side of the issue. Please understand the other sides' methods and goals. They will never relent until all of your rights are no more. The second amendment is the only thing standing in their way.

Your mileage may vary.

No insult towards you either, All I'm saying is if we insult others and don't articulate a pro 2nd amendment opinion in an intelligent manner we are going loose this argument. It might be a right, but rights change. Only 1/3 of american households have guns, if in the next 30 years gun ownership goes down by the same percentage only 20-25 percent of Americans will own guns. We are going to loose our rights unless us as gun owners come up with solutions. I think most of these solutions aren't gun laws, but we as gun owners need to articulate these solutions to the non gun owning majority.


Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
There are those whose position is to not give an inch and those that believe more compromise is needed.
Please let me ask the question, if universal background checks was given away, would you then at that point, be one of those who would never give another inch?


Feb 19, 2018
you are aware that this means total registration to accomplish that, right?

Exactly. There is a reason for registration.

On another note.

Just look at New Yorks SAFE Act. You are supposed to have background checks run for private sales. You were also supposed to register your "assault rifles" with the state. Only the sheep registered their rifles. Also, I have read articles where felons in possesion of a gun during the comission of a crime, have had the gun charges dropped in NY. What is the point of more feel good laws when they don't enforce the ones on the books?

I'm hopeful national reciprocity will pass. Doubtful, but one can dream.

Nuke Man

May 1, 2014
The absolute worst comment I've heard has been said by Sheriff Israel. During the public lynching of the NRA at the CNN debate he point blank said "The NRA is killing our children" Are you ****ing kidding me! All the while his coward deputies stood bye while that kid was slaughtering those kids. Boils my blood! You can't make this shit up. And he's calling for a gun ban..... He should be at least fired, hopefully face legal charges. Damn coward training more cowards. But hey give up our guns so the police can protect us right......


Feb 19, 2018
The absolute worst comment I've heard has been said by Sheriff Israel. During the public lynching of the NRA at the CNN debate he point blank said "The NRA is killing our children" Are you ****ing kidding me! All the while his coward deputies stood bye while that kid was slaughtering those kids. Boils my blood! You can't make this shit up. And he's calling for a gun ban..... He should be at least fired, hopefully face legal charges. Damn coward training more cowards. But hey give up our guns so the police can protect us right......

This isn't surprising coming from the area he lives in. He was a staunch Hillary supporter.


Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
The reality is that eventually Americans will give up their guns. The trend is moving that way. When the last of my generation has passed, the youth of today will rule. It appears at this time that the young will willingly give up the rights spelled out in the constitution.

All anyone who understands history can do is bring light to the subject and to provoke thought as to why nations fail and stave it off as long as possible.

We have been blessed to be here in the most free country the world has ever known. Because I have been one of those fortunate ones, it is my responsibility to protect those right for those who come after me.

They will do with it what they may.


Apr 23, 2014
Fort Peck, MT
I support the second amendment. I also doubt the usefulness of an AR chambered in 5.56 to stand up to a tyrannical government that spends 700 Billion per year on military.

I don’t buy that we’ll eventually give up all guns. You have more “freedoms” now than 20 years ago.