The Last Ram

Thank you for telling this story and for telling it so well. The idea of a "last ram" and/or last sheep hunt definitely got me a little emotional. Congratulations on your many successful adventures and fond memories. Well done sir.
Thank you for sharing the great story. Congratulations on both the sheep and the good fortune to draw DCUA twice! I'm 18 and 0 on that draw, but I've been lucky enough to assist friends who have drawn it, Beautiful country if you can survive the windstorms. Again, thank you and congrats!
I remember that red tent from way back when it was fresh and shiny in the Brooks Range. Our paths have diverged and I chase goats more than sheep. Congrats on the pistol ram and staying level headed in a sticky situation. Other hunters should take note, his partner selection has been on point over the years and he's maintained those relationships. A good partner will make a hunt for ya!
Excellent story and very well told! I have recently been reading a couple of Tony Russ' books. I have never been a big reader, but something about a well written encounter such as this does much more justice than a hunting video ever could. This is a book worthy story for sure. I hope that one day I'll have similar stories to share, although I doubt that I could write them as eloquently. Thanks for sharing and congrats on all of your success! That's an awesome "Last Ram"!

Huge congrats on one of the most meaningful posts I have ever read. I remember fondly of your hospitality when I was on my first and as of now only sheep hunt I have had a tag for. You were also helpful when I came back out if the Brooks on my moose hunt. You have been a friend to many. All the best in what God has in store for you in the future 🙏
Thank you all for the kind words and comments. I wish you all the best in your Sheep Hunting adventures and hope they are as fulfilling, rewarding and meaningful as mine have been. I'll leave you with this poem I wrote a few years back...

An Alaskan Sheep Hunters Poem
By Snyd

With the sun at my back and the breeze on my face
I hope to find that magical place
Where the Dall Sheep live in the their majestic home...
-Alaska, the Last Frontier-

From the Wrangells to the Brooks and the Alaska Range
From the Chugach Mountains to the Talkeetnas and Whites
From the Tanana Foothills and Mentastas too,
To the Kenai Mountains to name a few
These are the places the Rams call home...
-In Alaska, the Last Frontier-

In search of great Rams, my partner and I
Together we go with hopes as high
As the mountains we hike...
-In Alaska, the Last Frontier-

'Tis the hunt of a lifetime if one can go
It's not like hunting the Whitetail you know!
There is nothing quite like the stress and the strain
Sheep hunting puts on the body and brain

But the rewards are great for the ones who make
The arduous trek for that's what it takes
For a chance to see the Mountain Sheep Ovis
-Ovis Dalli in the Last Frontier-

If one can get
The chance at a shot
He surly has earned it
But then if not
He still has the joy deep down in his soul
Of knowing he stood
Where many can't go

To that place of a dream for many a hunter
To the tops of the Mountains
Ovis calls home...
-In Alaska, the Last Frontier-