The do it all self-defense pistol

It doesn't really seem like anyone reads the other posts. Just too eager to tell everyone what they have, all proud of what they are toting. Along those lines, the M134 Minigun is best.
If you are a bigger dude or at least have a strong grip, get a 10mm glock of your choice.

9mm is better than nothing but with bear on the menu I'd opt for larger. The recoil really isn't much to mention if you have even moderate pistol skills.

If I had to sell all but one I'd keep my 4.5" barrel S&W M&P in 10mm, sweet pistol that will do it all, with a little bit better personality than a Glock, and with a better grip and barrel that's 100% g2g for cast bullets.
For me it would be a S&W 2.0 4” 10mm. It’s become my EDC in Alaska for all situations except when I opt to carry the sig365.

I carry it IWB/OWB and on the chest. Feels better than a g20 to me. About same size as a g19. And it is extremely manageable to shoot. Mine currently has a holosun 508 on it but I’ve used a rmr and a DPP as well. I just like the battery life of the holosun options.
G19 or sig p365XL. Either with a dot and decent holster. The sig is more concealable but the glock shoots a bit better for Me.
Glock 19 fits the “all purpose” category best if you’re a Glock guy (I am). Whatever you can shoot the best. I love the G20 but I shoot the 19 much better. Carry the 43 EDC, still shoot the 19 best and that’s what I‘ll grab when SHTF.
Probably either a Glock or Sig in the caliber of your choice. I would say 9mm, 40 SW, or 10mm. I also really like a Kimber 1911 in .45 ACP, 9mm, or 10mm.

But why settle for just one…🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️