The DIY Kifaru Charmin pocket


Feb 25, 2015
This is what happens when record low temps shut down Michigan for a day. I offer you the Charmin Pocket. I really think I’ll end up buying a Sherman pocket as well for my other pack but I quickly added the zipper, water proof pocket and gun sleeve to the inside this evening. It needs a bit more work and fine tuning but seems like it’ll serve a purpose.

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Deepened the rifle pocket slightly, now another tweak to the strap and were golden


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Hell of an idea. Lot more versatile without much weight gain

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It’s a quick and dirty attempt, I’d really like to make a cleaner version someday but it seems to work well so far

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Great idea. I was thinking about this, but the other way around for a gun holder (grab it attached, with a pocket). But after seeing these pics, I might have just changed my mind. The added length fits the guns to the pack better.
Great idea. I was thinking about this, but the other way around for a gun holder (grab it attached, with a pocket). But after seeing these pics, I might have just changed my mind. The added length fits the guns to the pack better.

I was worried that the added length would allow a rifle to be kicked in stride but so far around the house it hasn’t been an issue, I need to develop an idea of where to run the vertical straps that would normally hold the grab it up; for when it is in this down position

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If you had some extra open ended straps, one could simply strap them up along the side of the pack
What about sewing a 2" square piece of elastic inside at the corners making little pockets the free straps can roll up and tuck into?