You’re 100% correct when it comes to models not being able to truly account for nature. Theres this quote that almost every modeling class I have ever taken has shown: “All models are wrong, some are useful” - GC Box. And most recently I have seen a funnier, more pessimistic way of phrasing it: “No model is right and most are useless” - Todd Arnold. We all recognize that there is no way we can ever get to the true underlying process. Ecological systems are too complex for us to account for everything and we will never be able to. That does not mean that a model is not worthy of being used to inform management. We can get close and even mimic these things 100 different ways but we have statistical training through model validation and information criterions to select which model we create is the most accurate given the data we have. Almost every modeling paper is using some type of model selection to decide what model they created is the most informative model. That’s how we deal with the 100 ways to skin a cat scenario. That’s why we create multiple hypotheses surrounding each problem we are trying to tackle. That’s why allows us to find what the most informative hypothesis is and use that to manage in the future until someone else comes along and gives us a better model.
When it comes to the bias, that is always a possibility, but I would argue that peer-reviewed research will not allow you to have biased justifications behind your models. There is nothing more an academic likes than to tell another academic they’re wrong or their methods are wrong. I remember being younger and being frustrated by someone tearing into my analysis when I submitted a paper or a draft, but now I find myself doing the exact same thing to papers that I review. I have no idea why but when it comes to models, its like all those times I was criticized (validly) for my methods sunk into me and now I’m that guy trying to make sure analyses that people are doing are unbiased and follow the correct assumptions.
When it comes to CWD, before CWD people were working on EHD, bluetongue, insert your favorite wildlife disease or parasite here, etc. There’s no shortage of wildlife diseases to study: COVID in deer, white nose syndrome in bats, chytrid fungus in amphibians, rabies in carnivores, so if CWD were to be solved (which everyone wants to see happen), these people would move on to other things similarly to how people that studied lungworms or parainfluenza3 moved on to study M. Ovi in bighorn sheep when they proved that lungworms and parainfluenza were not the culprits for pneumonia.
I feel this opinion is shared across many people that I know, we don’t do wildlife biology for the paychecks. Trust me, we do not get paid enough for it to be for the money. We do it to solve problems and make things better for the wildlife and the people that value them. We do it because we find these systems cool and interesting to learn about as well. Additionally, no day of work is ever the same, it’s always something different. If we only worked on the same thing forever, it would get boring to us. Trust me, if the people working on CWD could solve it and move on to something else, they would in a heartbeat.