The big D


Jun 2, 2013
Lot's of solid advice here..

I went through mine about 3 years ago and to say it is a test of a man's resolve...and his character, would be an understatement. You will experience some real doubt and perhaps even a crisis of faith, but hang in there. You are strong and you can beat this. This is a different kind of battle than what you have probably experienced in the past, but you can get through it. From your post it sounds like you are laying the lion's share of the blame at your own feet. I was married 10 years and that was long enough for me to learn that it TAKES TWO to make or break a marriage. Taking responsibility for your actions is absolutely important, but remember, that the door swings both ways.

My son was 7 when we went through it and it was especially hard on him, but I am proud to say that 3 years later, he's much more at peace with it. His mom and I get along great and are nice to each other and he sees that, and I think that has helped him cope with all of it. When my divorce began, a good friend gave me some hard earned advice...focus on your kid. First. When you have your kiddo, do not EVER make other plans while with him. No girls, no bars and focus all of your attention on him. In short, your social life takes a backseat when you are together. I stuck to that, and I am glad I did. It helped me focus on what was important and it showed my son that just because his parents were getting divorced, I WAS NOT DIVORCING HIM!

If she has not lawyered up and you guys can amicably work out the details, do it that way. It will be quicker, cheaper and much more peaceful. Lawyers have a way of perpetuating the aggression and if done that way, it will drag out and cost you both a substantial amount of money. I will say that if she's lawyered up, you should do the same. Divorces have a way of showing a person's true colors so if she ends of taking an aggressive stance with you, then meet fire with fire. For all of your sakes, I sincerely hope that it doesn't come to that.

Until it is final, I would expect to be scrutinized and I would not give the other side any reason to spin this in their favor (and they will try..believe me). Make the gym your best friend and keep a low profile. Once it's over, you can relax and hopefully, you and your ex, will figure out a new "language" for the sake of your child.

As has been stated, stay away from the booze. It can get out of control quicker than you think and it will absolutely cloud your judgement and your actions.

Don't focus on women. It will be hard, but take care of yourself and your shit and once it's all over, you will have a new confidence that was not there before and the women will forever flock to you. I will add, that I would not introduce a new lady to your kiddo FOR A LONG TIME. Kids process things much differently than adults and it will be an adjustment for him that his parents are getting a divorce. I'm sure you already are sensitive to that, but just throwing it out there.

Sending prayers your way and I hope you will update us on how things are progressing.

"Hard times never last..but hard men always do!".
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Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
Same friend of mine that helped me through mine also told me that thefirst thing i needed to do was to get my own bank account from a DIFFERENT BANK...this was key mine tried to get one over on me with the bank thing but i had a new account and immediatly had my payroll changed so it deposited in my acct and not our joint account.
we always think that " they wont do this and they wont do that" well they can. money clouds people and honestly friends cloud people.
with mine we had everything settled at first what i was taking what she was keeping and so on we had aggreed to no child support since we would both have the kids as much as the other. well when her friends got involved and got to talking to her that all went to shit and she wanted money then.
with money never pay cash. always pay with a check and fill out what that check is for. no matter if its for a $10 pair of shoes for your kids., fill it out in the notes section so it can be tracked if needed...learned that the hard way also with my X with paying kids school lunches she tried to jab me with the big part of the bill so now i pay it where i can track it online.

it normally starts out decent with both getting along and all will be good but it can go badly quick. think smart and think ahead. sad part with mine is i still have to think ahead. hopefully yours turns out well.

as far as my life now. i am much happier with a much better woman who supports what i like to do and likes to do it with me as far as hunting fihsing and so on. she killed her first deer ever this year. now shes hooked. we have a nice house i have a better job because i strived to get one instead of just staying where i was i went for things cause i really didnt have much to loose. im way better financially and way more happy. it can get better brother.


Mar 31, 2014
Cash tucked away for emergencies doesn't hurt, even if it means selling off some shit. You can get new shit when it's over.

And you will.

Her $200 haircuts are "expenses", the new scope you bought is "marital property". In other words, you paid for half of her haircut and she owns half of your scope. Inventory EVERYTHING.

Get a PO box and download all the phone calls from your cell phone into a spreadsheet for your record.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
My brother is currently going through a divorce. It started out amicable enough, we'll just split everything and share custody. That didn't work or last and has since gotten nasty and headed to court. You will be much better off if you can settle through mediation. That said, you still need to hire an attorney and have them look over any and all documents before you sign them. Once it is signed your only recourse is going to court and then you'll have to have a plausible reason to want changes when you've already agreed to something different.

Start taking notes now. Notes on things she says, your conversations, etc. Sign and date each entry. You may not need them but they will be really handy if you do. Anything said between the two of you without documentation is simply hearsay. If things go bad you need to have proof. Not sure about laws in Tejas but some states, SD being one of them, is a one party consent for recording conversations. You can get an app on your phone to record. Would be something to consider. If it gets nasty people will say some pretty incriminating things when they don't know they are being taped. Keep that in mind on the flip side also.

You have to protect yourself and while the above may seem like overkill and not right, if things go south it isn't. It is only natural to blame ones self but it takes two, it isn't all your fault. Don't treat it that way.

I would also run a credit check. You can do them for free online and it gives you a full report from the three credit reporting agencies. You need all three reports, they won't all be the same. If there is anything on there you don't know about you are going to own half of it. If there are things there you didn't authorize or know about you can likely get out of owing half. Another thing to consider on debt, you need to get an indemnity clause in place in the agreement. Even if the court orders her to pay half, if she doesn't pay her half it will remain on your credit until it is payed. Creditors are not bound by court decisions/rulings in a divorce. She can be ordered to pay half, but if she simply doesn't pay you will still be responsible. An indemnity clause will take care of that.
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Oct 7, 2015
A few thoughts... life can teach us humility if we're willing to learn its lessons. It enables us to let go of resentments, learn compassion, and consideration for others which in turn makes us stronger, happier, and better people in general.

Take care of yourself and you'll be better for her, your kids, yourself, and others.

And, for the really rough times... Matthew 11:28-30.

God Bless!


Jul 31, 2013
Joplin, MO
Ron, if you don't have a pastor to talk to , PM me. I am a pastor and a professional life coach. I can't change what you are going through, but happy to walk beside you if you are interested.


Jan 25, 2014
Sorry to hear this. Selling you those gaiters, I was just wondering how things have turned out for you. Sorry man.


Aug 6, 2012
Thanks for all the advice, turns out my wife has been talking to someone she grew up with from her hometown. We're done. This hurts almost as much if not more than losing my dad at 26. All I can think about is how I'll never get to be with my kids every day ever again.
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Mar 31, 2014
Kids ages?

Dude, you're an American F'n Soldier. You'll never NOT be a hero to this country OR your kids. It's tough because you assume that they feel exactly like she does, but they don't. My ex's actions have proved to my kids how irresponsible she really is and they do not like feeling like they have to compete with the new boyfriend.

I heard through the grapevine that one of the ex's "friends" asked how Daddy was doing and my 12 year old said "you know, Daddy is really happy now!" Let them see that you're there for them. Period. Never miss any time. She will "reschedule" lots of crap around the new guy and being right there to pick them up is a sweet victory.

I ain't going to lie, you will cry yourself asleep in the beginning, especially the first night. It's OK man. I do a lot of pick ups for stupid trips that I need the kids "help" with. It's just BS to hang out and works every time.

You're at step 1 and it'll get real shiity, then better. Keep feeding her line and keep the drag nice and loose. The more she thinks she's getting away with, the more stupid shit she'll do and the more opportunity you'll have to be with your kids and prove how great of a dad you are.


Jul 26, 2013
Houston, TX
I'll just add that when/if you get a divorce try to add a geographic restriction (like, has to live within 30 or 50 miles) to it so she can't move hours away, which would make it harder to see your kids.


Oct 5, 2012
Really good advice here. I have little advice for the PTSD, as I've not been down that road. I know that one acquaintance suffering from it found getting outside as much as possible and really paying attention to large things in the environment (trees, buildings, landscapes, etc) allowed him to "get out of his head". He frequently goes up to large pieces of public art, huge lawn rocks, and buildings and touches them. He says its something about the mass of the object that quiets his mind for a while.

As for the D, after 17 years post events I could say all kinds of stuff, but my experience is different, as your experience will be different. Love your kids, appreciate their mother as their mother. Let everything else move by you, or it will crush the life out of you. With your PTSD, be aware that third parties may push their agenda onto you and your changed family.
Mar 21, 2012
I am very sorry to hear this. I pray that you find comfort soon and after I pray that you will find happiness, which I know you will. Stay strong, many of us have been there. It's tough for sure, but you will get through it. Love your children, they will always be yours.


Aug 23, 2016
Praying for you brother. God has a plan for us even when we can't see it. You deserve someone that loves you the way you love them. Hang in there.
Jun 13, 2016
All great advice! I went through my Divorce 3 years ago. She drug me through the dirt (I let her). Lying, cheating, financial falsification. You name it, she did it. She's now on her 3rd husband and 4th child. Her life is outta control and I can't help but feel so bad for my 5 year old son who has to endure the the ever going tornado that is his mother. On the other hand I stuck to a lot of the advice given here. I stayed focused on making myself better for me and my son. Alcohol, pretty much non existent. All tobacco gone. Started getting in shape, stuck with it and now am in the best shape of my life. I do not date, and have not touched a woman in 4 years. Since then I have been living out my dreams of pursuing my favorite game animal the mules deer. This year was the first time I had ever had a tag out if state. It actually turned into getting two, Wyoming and Utah. It is very rewarding and fulfilling to set out for something and achieve at levels you didn't think were possible. In time, you really will have a new found confidence that you never knew existed. For all of that I am able to be the best I can for my son and that means everything. Just remember, as much as it does not seem like it, YOU WILL BE A BETTER MAN BECAUSE OF THIS!


Mar 31, 2014
RH,hope your hanging in there. Bumping to the top to keep fellas talking. Helped me...

So, topic for side bar: How are some of you D'd Dads handling Christmas and holidays in general?

We split the entire break. First half to Christmas Eve with Dad, wake up at Mom's, late breakfast with dad, then back to moms for remainder of the break (equal days for both)

This is the first one for me, so we'll see. RH, it's something you gotta think about. Might as well go on offense and not get backed into what you don't want.


Aug 6, 2012
I wasn't going to continue this thread, didn't want to stir the pot so to speak, but I've decided that if my wife wants out of this marriage she's going to have to pull the trigger. I'm still madly in love with her and love her like no one else, I'm not gonna throw away my marriage over one mistake on her part. We had a joint appointment on Thursday that went well, she said she knew that what her and this guy has is not going to last and she doesn't know if she wants to end our marriage. And for the time being I'll take I don't know. So...that's where I'm at. You can bash me if you want too, but I'm standing firm by this and I know that if all else fails, at least I'll be able to walk away with my head held high and no regrets.


Feb 27, 2012
Smithers, BC
I wasn't going to continue this thread, didn't want to stir the pot so to speak, but I've decided that if my wife wants out of this marriage she's going to have to pull the trigger. I'm still madly in love with her and love her like no one else, I'm not gonna throw away my marriage over one mistake on her part. We had a joint appointment on Thursday that went well, she said she knew that what her and this guy has is not going to last and she doesn't know if she wants to end our marriage. And for the time being I'll take I don't know. So...that's where I'm at. You can bash me if you want too, but I'm standing firm by this and I know that if all else fails, at least I'll be able to walk away with my head held high and no regrets.

Awesome. My prayer is she changes her mind and commits to working on your marriage. Love is a choice not a feeling. Good for you on honouring the covenant you made with her on your wedding day. Unconditional love means no conditions and you are demonstrating that right now.


Aug 6, 2012
Awesome. My prayer is she changes her mind and commits to working on your marriage. Love is a choice not a feeling. Good for you on honouring the covenant you made with her on your wedding day. Unconditional love means no conditions and you are demonstrating that right now.

Yep. If she knows nothing else right now, she knows I love her and I always will.