The 22 creedmoor thread

Finally. Once fired, trimmed, chamfered inside and out, still have to lube neck to avoid deformation of bullet.
40gr H4350 20” barrel , Alpha LRP


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What's the verdict on Alpha vs other brass? I've followed this thread since the beginning but I can't remember. I see a lot use Alpha but there's some struggle with the case necks before first firing. Would going to Peterson avoid that?
What's the verdict on Alpha vs other brass? I've followed this thread since the beginning but I can't remember. I see a lot use Alpha but there's some struggle with the case necks before first firing. Would going to Peterson avoid that?
I’ve used Peterson for other cartridges and wouldn’t hesitate to use it for the 22 CM. I’m still working with my Alpha brass.
What's the verdict on Alpha vs other brass? I've followed this thread since the beginning but I can't remember. I see a lot use Alpha but there's some struggle with the case necks before first firing. Would going to Peterson avoid that?
Case neck friction is a problem with all the premium annealed brass. It’s not hard to overcome with what I posted not far back.

Alpha is good brass, it’s very consistent. The web area is hard and it can take a few firings before it really grabs the chamber. This can be chamber dependent. They have had their issues but I think with the 22 creed they are likely worked out.

Peterson isn’t as consistent but good brass.

I’d choose either without issue, though I’d do large rifle primer brass for either.
Thanks for the replies! My barrel should be here soon. I'll get some alpha brass, 88 ELDMs and some dies coming. I have plenty of 4831sc, 4350, h1000 and primers. I'll report back with results.
So far the 80 grain eldx in the 22 creedmoor is 3 for 3 this year. All Wisconsin doe at 75, 288, and 305 yards. The picture is of the doe at 305 yards with the entry into the rib cage after going through the shoulder. Hard quartering to shot and I found the bullet in the liver. None of them went further than 30 yards after the shot.


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