I wish I could upvote this post 10 more times. I've wasted so much time and money on optics and rifles even though I have proven tack drivers I consistently killed with in the past. Its a horrible rabbit hole to go down...
Pick one rifle, learn to master it in all temps and terrain, and dont look back. Spend the rest of your resources on quality personal gear.
Guns are cool and all but like you said, when you have proven shooters that always worked, why go looking for the next best thing....again and again and again....??? If you think about a big sheep hunt, you spend the entire time, 7, 9, 13....however many days hauling the pack, beating your feet and sleeping on the ground. The actual shooting part is like 3 minutes of that 240 hours.
I’m not saying people shouldnt do what they want with their $$$ just that I’ve never missed an opportunity due to the gun. A 30-06 with a 3-9 will go farther than you realize.
One of my buddies missed a sheep at 300yds last year, he went and spent 10k on a gunwerks and went to their shooting school, buys their Ammo etc....dosent seem very cost effective to me. Especially when you factor in plane tickets, hotels and the fact that he now has a 10k+ rifle that you can’t find Ammo for....and he Dosent hand load....
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