Aggressive action on our part can be exhilarating when used on a bull with the right mind-set!
Being wrecklessly aggressive to any or all bulls is a huge mistake but many hunters; it will result in a pile of lost encounters.
Here's a couple of ways to look at it!
#-1- Here's being aggressive on the Right Bull! This bull is bugling repeatedly & is being pressured by other bulls, he has no issues responding to your bugles/cow calls too. This shows defensive action & there is a hot cow in his presence. Get inside the Satellites, hopefully this puts you in the 100 yard or closer range & either Challenge him directly along with raking or start with calling the hot cow away then Challenge as he responds back, insults will be traded!
#-2- You have a bull bugling on his own repeatedly in his bedding area, doesn't matter if he has cows or not. This bull will defend his Domain if you get too close & advertise your presence with bugling, no cow calls needed. Get to 150 yards or so & get aggressive!
#-3- Do not get aggressive out of the gate with this bull or 'game over' --- This bull is seen heading into cover to bed, no calling from him at all. Or you come across this bull or another in cover that will bugle 1 - 2 or 3 times over a 15-30 minute span & he clams up. Get to 150-200 yards & Set-up, Start with a Slow Play Sequence & stay with it if he does not engage right off. If he does engage within the 1st few minutes then Amp it up to a quicker paced Breeding Sequence, this bull will be yours within 20-25 minutes with a solid set-up!