I've been a hunter since I was 12. But a few years back i decided I wanted to step up my game and upgrade my pack and binos significantly. A few years back I was looking for a new pack and binos. I found a lot of good bino info posted by a dude named BitterrootBulls and he was from MT, like me. I couldn't remember the forum a few days later so I googled Bitterroot Bulls and low and behold it led me here. I got to see some of the early days of Rokslide, Aron and manscaping, our favorite AK couple Luke and Becca(really have appreciated Becca's nutrition info. I think that impact from her is over-looked sometimes), everyone's favorite loveable a-hole from the West coast Littlebuf(I loved that dude, he was an a-hole but he was our a-hole), Mr Long's exercise videos of his Maroon Bell hikes("feel good, feel strong" would echo through my mind as I started out on a training hike), my favorite story of all time( I don't remember which poster it was, but the story of a guy and his dad on their sheep or goat hunt with a friend in AK. Such a well-written and photographed story. The dad was getting on in age and they went for it. I don't remember the specific words used in the story but "F the mountain, you're a pussy" has become my mantra when I'm out on the mountain and I need to dig a little deeper. Like truly that story made an impact on me.), and who could forget butthole sandwiches.
I know the names changed a little over the years but it remains among my favorite places to be online.
Thank you to the Averys, Robbie, Luke and Becca, Aron, Matt, and David Long for your parts in getting this place going and your contributions. I know not everyone of you frequents here as much anymore, if at all, and David may never see this, but you've all made a big impact in my life. The best coaches and teachers aren't the people that just teach you a sport or subject, but make an impact with what you learn about life through them. And know it or not, you all have taught me lessons in life as well as hunting.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.
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I know the names changed a little over the years but it remains among my favorite places to be online.
Thank you to the Averys, Robbie, Luke and Becca, Aron, Matt, and David Long for your parts in getting this place going and your contributions. I know not everyone of you frequents here as much anymore, if at all, and David may never see this, but you've all made a big impact in my life. The best coaches and teachers aren't the people that just teach you a sport or subject, but make an impact with what you learn about life through them. And know it or not, you all have taught me lessons in life as well as hunting.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.
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