test loads 270wsm


Jul 12, 2012

This was a test load my brother shot last week out of his 270 wsm savage model 116. He has made up loads of 8 rounds and increased powder charge by .3 until he hits max. He has shot some accubonds and interbonds. I just wanted to get your thoughts on these initial test rounds. They seem pretty good to us without shooting 5 with the same powder charge or playing with seeting depth. Some of you have been a great help so far and we apreciate it. I'll post up some pictures of his groups and keep you informed. I think he used rl19 in these tests. He just found 2 bottels of rl 25 on sunday.
These were at 100 yds of the bench. I told he should have numbered each hit. Should he do that as well as label the target?
40 viewers with no responses? ? Some feed back would be appreciated. I have never done ladder testing so I don't know how to judge what I got so far.
For ladder testing, you're looking for vertical dispersion due to differences in velocity. You won't normally see that at 100 yards so most people shoot ladder tests at 300 or so to get the vertical dispersion required for a good ladder test. If you can get vertical dispersion, basically what you are looking for is where in the ladder you get a closely-spaced cluster of shots, vertically. The target should have the hits strung out vertically, with one or two "groups" where they are spaced more closely together vertically. That is your sweet spot, and where you should then load more rounds and confirm the accuracy.

Your target has the rounds clustered too closely (no vertical dispersion) to get any useful information since it was shot at 100 yards. If you have a place to shoot that goes out to 300, you should shoot the ladder at 300.
Thank you!!! If I get around to removing a few trees I'll have 300 and 400. Right now I have out to 200. I must have missed that when I was reading about ladder testing. Thanks again and I'll post some more when I get some more tests done.