Everyone says it is bound to happen, and I while it is cliché to say, I thought it would never happen to me… I thought it would never happen to me. I keep a good process, I only do one caliber at a time, I have a digital meter, and I load in strict stages. I use a process I figured out over 10 years of reloading now.
I had to redevelop the load for my Savage 116 (110 action in stainless) 270 win as the powder of choice is no longer available so I hit the range yesterday to double test the two most promising loads from this development, so I have shot both of these loads before with no issues. I do groups of five and on shot number 9 I experienced over pressure, 32 degrees at time of event.
The bolt was difficult lift and frozen in forward position, I had to use a 2 x 4 with a small rubber mallet to complete extraction. The brass stayed in the chamber and I used a cleaning rod to push it out. Primer fell out. There were no other indications of over pressure from that shot, other than it being 400 fps faster than expected. Buy the books I was near or at maximum load, but my bullet is seated to be off the lands, which in my rifle is quite the jump.
I took apart the next round from that group and measured the powder and bullet diameter and confirmed my seater was appropriately adjusted. I have no idea what went on with that one round to cause an over pressure, but it happened. My best guess is over thrown powder charge and I did not notice.
I cleaned everything up, nothing I can see looks out of issue. I put in a sized brass with primer and fire function is working, ejection works, etc. Should I have the firearm inspected at this point? Any input?