I came across a six pack of Keystone light in a stream a few years ago. I was in an area so remote I figured it must have been washed down as the cans were fairly dented. I was 3 beers in when the poor bastard walked up on me sunning myself on a rock enjoying the beers he carried 8 miles in. I still feel bad to this day,QUOTE]
Im sorry but thats funny chit! I would probably have done the same... And if it was my mine in the stream and I walked up on someone drinking it I wouldnt have been suprised. haha
Its never happened to me but while hiking in I passed two guys picking up a bunch of stuff spread all over a clearing just off the trail and asked what was up. They said they had set up camp and while hiking up the trail just out of camp ran into some granola munchers that started flicking them s!#t and and they continued up the trail. Later they came back to their camp trashed and thrown all over the place. Nothing stolen just messed up. Figured the goofballs waited until they walked off and went to work on their stuff.
I came across a six pack of Keystone light in a stream a few years ago. I was in an area so remote I figured it must have been washed down as the cans were fairly dented. I was 3 beers in when the poor bastard walked up on me sunning myself on a rock enjoying the beers he carried 8 miles in. I still feel bad to this day, can't imagine the type of guy that would leave someone stranded in the Wilderness without a shelter. If I were to walk up on someone raiding my campsite miles from the trailhead...... It would get very ugly.
Come on. Were the can perfect looking and clean or all dented up? I think I would have killed you!
I haven't heard about any tents but there was a member here who dropped his pack to stalk a deer and had his pack stolen.