tent stakes

Jul 10, 2012
eatonvile, wa
what are you guys using with good success in ground with more rocks than dirt. i need to get some more for my SL5 as we were battered with 20-30mph sustained winds with stronger gusts saturday night and the stakes from golite are too short and kept pulling out... i had it guyed-out to some scrub firs just to keep it in place..
I've had good luck with the MSR groundhogs

+1 on the groundhogs. They are a little heavy though. We bring enough groundhogs for the main points of our SL5 only, and then bring lighter weight stakes (by hilleberg I believe) for all the guy outs and more minor points. Saves weight, but that way we can stake out everything in high winds.
Groundhogs work great for the major points.

Another option that is super light for other stakes, but still alot of holding power, is the new mini groundhogs. They weigh as much as my TI nail stakes yet will hold alot more! Im impressed with them so far

Mini groundhogs weigh in at 9g a piece w/ the string loop. There almost identical to the groundhogs except a little smaller. Even lighter than my v pegs at the same length.

Cmeier, those square ones look alot like the MSR needle stakes, they bend pretty easily, atleast the MSR ones do.
These work great work me as well. Run them with my Big Agnes Copper Spur UL3. I've been debating these though...
or these

The nail stake you put up is the exact one that I own, it weighs the same as the mini grounghogs, the mini cost less, and the mini groundhogs have a whole heck of alot of holding power compared to the nails.
i like the idea of like 4 of those msr with lighter for elsewhere.
becca, which hilleberg stakes? http://www.hilleberg.com/home/products/accessories/pegs.php

I think what we have are the viper pegs, which are v shaped and on sale at the link supplied above by CMeier. We have not had any trouble with them bending, although we are careful not to wail on them too hard in rocky ground. Lightweight, they have worked well for us with the groundhogs for the major guy out points.
I only bent the V shaped pegs when I stepped on the in rock hard clay. The pro pegs are fairly wide and are longer. But I am sure the ground hogs may have more holding power with there Y shape.
Don't have much to add on the others choice of stakes. I will say that I tied guy-out points to all possible points on my SL5 (Thanks Luke for that tip). Anyhow, they ended up being very helpful when I could not find a good spot in the tundra (too spongy...or rocky) to get a stake in I ended up looping the guy line around a decent size rock. Worked great.
I like my groundhogs, although I was at Walmart yesterday and I saw (caughlin?) makes an ultralight tent stake set which mimics the groundhog. They look the same, feel maybe lighter by my super accurate mind scale I had with me and looked durable.also alot cheaper!
I like my groundhogs, although I was at Walmart yesterday and I saw (caughlin?) makes an ultralight tent stake set which mimics the groundhog. They look the same, feel maybe lighter by my super accurate mind scale I had with me and looked durable.also alot cheaper!
They bend pretty easily, already tried some, sorry to bring the bad news
They bend pretty easily, already tried some, sorry to bring the bad news

Darn, good thing I didn't waste my money. Thanks for being guinea pig.

I found this on another forum

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