Tent stakes

Nov 7, 2012
What are the lightest stakes you trust? Looking at different designs and lengths. Not sure what to go with but want to stay light as possible as I went a little heavier than planned on my shelter. Not planning on being out on the tundra in 60mph winds.
I like the MSR groundhogs for the main stake points and then will use the MSR mini's for the less critical points like some of the guylines.
You definitely need to know the type of ground you'll be putting stakes/pegs into. Some are exceedingly difficult to pound on, like the J or ?-shaped stakes.

Dutchware makes/sells a few different styles. I mixed it up and got a couple different sizes and styles. You can order exactly what you want/need. Great CS too!

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You definitely need to know the type of ground you'll be putting stakes/pegs into. Some are exceedingly difficult to pound on, like the J or ?-shaped stakes.



These are the lightest, most packable (V profile) aluminum stakes I've run across. I've used them with a TarpTent Rainbow for a number of years when I know where camp will be, what soil type I'll be on and the weather is not super windy.

Some more infor and different sizes from Helinox/DAC: https://www.helinox.com.au/j-stake-tent-pegs
I believe DAC is the OEM for MSR groundhogs. They make a good product.

I typically carry MSR groundhogs for the main points and MSR needles for the guy outs. If it's loose ground or snowy, I swap the groundhogs for sand pegs.
After playing around, I have gone back to using MSR ground hogs on almost everything. Full size for main guy points and minis on lesser points save a bit of weight. I have bent a few but they have enough beef to be bent back into shape. They seem to have holding power that is as good or better than all the others I have tried.

FWIW I tried some of the titanium Sheppard’s hooks (not Lawson) on a few trips. I bent a few and had a couple pull out of softer soil. I also tried some tubular aluminum ones from ZPacks. They were OK it not a significant weight savings over the MSR.
MSR groundhogs for me, they are very reliable. I have played with several styles and always resort back to the groundhog.
I am trying DAC Very Best tent stakes this year in SmallMedium for my new Sheep Tarp. They are shorter than Groundhogs but supposed to be a stronger alum and as wide as the medium stake. Small weight savings. I normally use Groundhogs for my tent. For my large hammock tarp I use 8" Easton nail stakes on the main tie outs.
I’ve been using the Walmart version of Groundhogs (Coghlans I think). 9” stakes are about $0.67. They’re a little softer than real Groundhogs but at less than half the price they work just fine, and they’re longer which is great here in windy ND.
The 9 inch carbon fiber stake made by Ruta Locura. Lighter than most aluminum stakes and they hold really well in every soil type I've used them in. They also take a lot more abuse than aluminum stakes which usually bend or the head snaps off when you have to use a rock or something to get them through tough ground.
I really like groundhogs and mini groundhogs except for the fact that I break them all the time. I find I break the minis less actually. Technically you're not supposed to hammer them but I generally need to and find the weak spot worse than other stakes. I've gone to the DAC stakes and am pretty happy with them so far but don't have as much experience with them yet.
Msr groundhogs.

I used to use the minis like many mentions but got tired of having to locate the right size peg from the bag and the little ones didn't always hold. I just switched to all full size MSR

I've got a few SO aluminums I have yet to use

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I bought some msr needle stakes to use in rocky stuff where I’ve bent other stakes. I was very surprised to see how well they hold in soft soil as well

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