Teaching a cross dominant shooter.


Dec 22, 2019
Southern Idaho
I’m looking for some thoughts and comments regarding teaching a cross dominant shooter.

Basically somebody who is right handed but left eye dominant.

I found out both of my young daughters are this way (7 and 10 yrs). Some medical literature review shows that the cross eyeddominance is relatively maintained, so I don’t anticipate that they will revert back to right eye dominant at their age.

Both of my daughters are relatively new to shooting so they don’t have strong habits either way. I was leaning towards teaching them to shoot left handed. That way they would be less confused by trying to aim with their non-dominant eye.
Any thoughts opinions, or recommendations for approaching the situation?

I realize this topic has been brought up in the past, but my question is specifically if you are starting from ground zero what would your approach be?
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Dec 24, 2012
Delta Jct, Alaska
It seems that women have a much higher percentage of cross eye dominance.

I've taught several shotgun classes for women and always several had cross eye dominance. I would have them put a piece of opaque Scotch Tape across the left lens so they couldn't focus that eye and had to rely on the right eye. I hope that makes sense.


Mar 13, 2017
North Pole
I’m right handed and left eyed and have never noticed till I was probably 30. Everything is done right handed. I’ve always been an excellent shooter in both military and competitions. Not once did I notice I aim rifles with my right eye and pistols with my left, even though my right hand is on the trigger of both. I finally found out when I was learning to shoot a compound bow with a peep sight. I think people make it a much bigger deal than it is, either way, they’ll practice and get used to either way. IMHO precise control with the dominant hand is more important than eye. I have a hard time shooting pistol left handed, but can easily and naturally aim a rifle with my right eye. Also, the VAST majority of rifles and shotguns are produced right handed with very very few left hand models. Pistols are a little better, being that many are ambidextrous, but many of those are ambi as an afterthought not design.
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Feb 12, 2020
My oldest son is cross eye dominant. I discovered it when teaching him to shoot a bow when he was three years old. Explained to him as best I could what the deal was and then forced him to switch to shooting left handed. There were tears at first, but within a very short time (2 or 3 days) he was back in stride. When he started shooting a rifle we already knew he was cross eye dominant so from the start he has shot a rifle left handed.
Based on my experiences I recommend teaching them to shoot left handed.
My son is now 31 years old.
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May 16, 2015
When it came time to start teaching my right-handed daughter how to shoot a rifle, I noticed that she was repeatedly trying to use her left eye to line-up the sights. I knew how to check eye dominance, and that's when we found out for the first time that she was left-eye dominant...no doubt about it. Weighing the pros/cons, I chose to teach her to shoot a rifle left-handed. She is now an adult. I've bought her two left-handed bolt-action rifles over the years, and she is a really good shooter and hunter...she's even gotten her first ram up here.

She's not a hand-gun shooter, and really not interested. Her husband is an avid (and outstanding) long-bow hunter, so she is learning to shoot a right-handed long-bow that he bought her...she said that it's taking some time to get used to doing because her first inclination is to line-up sights with her left-eye.

The only thing I'll emphasize is to be sure of the eye dominance of your son/daughter...go through the testing routine several times across different settings, different days, and finger pointing with different hands...just be sure.

BTW...I'm totally left-handed and left-eye dominant, and I'm a left-handed shooter across the board.


Dec 22, 2019
Southern Idaho
It seems that women have a much higher percentage of cross eye dominance.

I've taught several shotgun classes for women and always several had cross eye dominance. I would have them put a piece of opaque Scotch Tape across the left lens so they couldn't focus that eye and had to rely on the right eye. I hope that makes sense.
I’ve read that women have a higher incidence of cross eye dominance. Very interesting


Mar 27, 2014
Similar situation, just figured out my 6 yr old daughter is cross eye dominant. Figured it out while starting to first use peep on her bow. So far have just switched to her shooting a left hand bow- which she loves as she states it feels much better. She hits the baloons she is aiming at now, which really makes her happy.

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Jun 13, 2019
My dad found out he is cross dominate (left eye, right hand) during a CCW class years ago. The instructor highly recommended he learn and shoot left handed. Even with no practice he shot a few rounds with his left hand and the results were impressive. But teaching an old dog new tricks is hard after 55 years, so not much progression was made since.

Firehole Hunter

Jun 1, 2017
Atlanta area
I am cross-eyed dominant as like a lot of the other superior athletes. Just kidding about me being a superior althlete. The only trouble that I had was when shooting a bow and arrow. I noticed that my arrows were drifting to the right when the yardage increased when using a bow sight. Now it wasn't very much unless the yardage was significant. Regarding a riflescope or iron sights, just would need to close the left eye. When shooting a shotgun or bow instinctively there was no problem as the brain worked it out. Don't fret it and understand that you probably have some superior athletes there. LOL.


Sep 29, 2012
I taught my right handed 12 yo to shoot left handed. Easy enough, either than having to buy a left handed rifle.


Feb 22, 2020
I’m right handed/left eyed. My dad figured it out with my first BB gun at 7. Was leaning across to use left eye. He got me switched and transitioned into LH rifles/shotguns like it was second nature. I do however shoot my bow right handed. Simply close the left eye. Really don’t think I’d shoot any better if I retrained myself. I notice it the most shooting handguns and a game of pool though. Both of which I do right handed.
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Feb 3, 2014
Boundary Co. Idaho
I'd disagree w Ed. I am left eye....right hand dominant. 23 year Law Enforcement. I am a huge pain to train tactically...however there are also advantages. I trained myself to shoot Left Handed and feel I am much better overall in the end. It's easy now. I realize you're not looking down the road to Tactical type situations but I can run a handgun in the 95+% on scored quals...shooting from a Left Handed rig or a Right Handed one. Lots of advantage. I just see a ton of frustration fighting it rather than embracing it.

Being proficient with a handgun is difficult WITHOUT battling eye dominance. Anyone can look cool hosing a target from 3 yards. Back off to 15 or more and up the speed and stress and the wheels fall off most shooters, let alone battling a non dominant hand.

Same thing for archery and peep sights....its an uphill battle.

I'd not be swayed by availability of firearms for lefties....the are pretty rare by comparison....vs being a frustrated kid. Just my opinion.
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May 24, 2020
I am right handed and shoot left handed but am neither right or left eye dominant
It just seemed natural to shoot that way from the age of 5 until now at 52
I remember my Dad saying “I’m not buying a left handed rifle for you to shoot” so I grew up shooting right handed bolt guns left handed and still do this today but I can shoot left or right handed if need be
I’d recommend to let those girls shoot left handed or use an eye patch so they won’t try to look across the sight


Aug 1, 2016
Briney foam
I’m cross eyed dominate (left), do all my shooting left handed. No issues. Shoot right handed guns. Make the first shot count!


Mar 14, 2016
North Idaho
Found out my older son was RH and LE dominant when he was 6 trying to get him ready for turkey hunting. Had him start shooting left handed that day and he couldn’t miss a water bottle at 20 yds with his shotgun whereas trying RH he would hit one out of five. Made him hold toy guns and bows LH and eventually that’s how he started doing it on his own. He’s 11 now and has shot several turkeys, a deer (LH rifle), and is a good shot with his bow.
I’ve talked to some neurologists about it and if you got on them early and used some tape, eye patch, Etc you can retrain or teach the brain task specific changes, but across multiple disciplines (bow, shotgun, rifle, etc) I’m very satisfied with my decision to just have him go LH. Sucks that he and his younger brother who is RH RE can’t use the same gear but freeing him of the frustrations of poor accuracy and trying to fight nature is worth it.


Jun 12, 2019
I am left eye and right handed. When first learning to shoot (12 yr old now 43) I was doing it right handed and couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. Once we figured out the left eye thing I quickly adapted and could actually hit what I was aiming at. No regrets and with time I learned to also shoot right handed. I’m not quite as accurate but good enough in a pinch. I would definitely go through the work to retrain your girls- it’s worth it


May 27, 2019
Honestly it will really depend on your child and how they take to doing things left handed if that's the way you want to go. If they have the ability to close their left eye then have them do that there is no issue just have them shoot one eye. Some younger individuals and maybe older struggle with with this some so you might try an eye patch to begin with until they develop a solid ability to close their eye. Many people train to shoot both right and left handed, rifle, handgun shotgun. A bow not so much based on the ergonomics. People who are right handed and transition to left with a rifle usually have to close their dominant eye. A handgun not so much is usually means just repositioning your head. I would try to have them shoot closing their left eye and see how that goes then go from there.
Jun 25, 2015
im right handed and left eye dominant. im finding Red dot sights are helpful once you get the both eyes open concept down. when using a regular scope i have to close my left eye. as a kid i would lean way over using my left eye shooting bb guns or arrows off the wrong side of the riser. didnt realize i was doing things wrong lol... always hit the target though.


Apr 27, 2012
I wouldn’t over think it, start them out shooting left handed and they’ll never know the difference. I’m cross dominant and now shoot a shotgun lefty but rifles and bow righty. Wish I would have learned to shoot lefty from the beginning though, especially wing shooting.