- Joined
- Feb 24, 2012
- Location
- Kun Lunn, Iceland
Continued to move up the hill to his elevation without calling and just listening and checking the wind…now up to his line gave a bugle over my shoulder and he answered about 125 out and at same elevation. Continued to check wind and move up as I could see the visbiliit’s opened up the higher I went….he bugled again at about 100 so I froze and he did as well…having played this game 100s of times I could see him but couldn’t…standing scanning listening and checking the air…. i then saw him go behind a tree then stop again….obscured…same game he is listening and looking for recognition…all the while I’m checking the wind and it is now about 11:15 sun is starting to filter in and can feel a subtle change uphill…having had this happen so many times and almost thrown my bow many
it was time to bugle so I turned bugled quickly downhill and he immediately cut me off and I saw him coming and that he was a bull I wanted. In and out of the timber he came safety off and remember the cross hairs coming down his neck and settling on his chest at 42 yds steep uphill as he froze looking.,…this frontal I’ve taken many times with a rifle
at the recoil scanning nothing, another round in move quick uphill and there he is
. The last few years I’ve let several bulls go in this otc unit waiting for next solid 6 so it was a bull that was caped and either his antlers will go on the wall or a Montana bull who I did not save the cape on..back to the zoleo was able to make contact with two young friends for packing along with Brian and one arrived that night the other the next morning…Tendy dinner in the tent that night. I learned to elk call in the 80s a lot of self learning trial and error..i will always call and in this wolf country if I can find one that wants to play then game on

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