TBAC Ultra 7 or Scythe Ti?

Either TBAC has done an amazing job marketing this, or I'm missing something. All of the companies tout accuracy and consistency for their cans, and most people say their groups tighten with a can, regardless of brand.

Is there any data to back up what people always say about poi shift for TBAC being less than everyone else? Are we talking group size with a can vs without, or zero shift with the can vs without?

Going from a radial brake to dt nomad lt, my zero shifted up and right 1" ish. I can't remember exactly. The brake to dt dd sti was within a scope click. Groups were about the same or a little tighter with both cans vs without.
I love my TBAC but I think that claim is BS.
I will say for the handful of cans I own. The groups are as good or better with the can on. But compared to can off POI seems to always shift down an inch or so at 100yds. Makes complete sense I added 2/3 of a pound to end of a piece of metal that will sag a bit. Repeatability with can on is 100%. I zero with can on and it always hits where it needs.

None of my cans tbac.
Either TBAC has done an amazing job marketing this, or I'm missing something. All of the companies tout accuracy and consistency for their cans, and most people say their groups tighten with a can, regardless of brand.

Is there any data to back up what people always say about poi shift for TBAC being less than everyone else? Are we talking group size with a can vs without, or zero shift with the can vs without?

Going from a radial brake to dt nomad lt, my zero shifted up and right 1" ish. I can't remember exactly. The brake to dt dd sti was within a scope click. Groups were about the same or a little tighter with both cans vs without.
Repeatable shift, when taking the can on and off was a bigger deal long ago than it is now, seems like most have it figured out with most modern suppressors.

Regardless I don’t care how much my suppressor shifts, as long as poi stays the same when it comes on and off repeatedly.
But compared to can off POI seems to always shift down an inch or so at 100yds. Makes complete sense I added 2/3 of a pound to end of a piece of metal that will sag a bit. Repeatability with can on is 100%
^this has been universally true for the cans I've been around.

There will be a shift between can/no can regardless of mfg. Modern cans have good/great repeatability taking it off then putting it back on.

Seperate to that topic, I do believe that the straightest cans will be the most accurate. TBAC is claimed to be the straightest in the business even by competitors.

I saw a video of the sico Scythe showing its runout/straightness to be as good as TBAC. I would try it based entirely on that.
Repeatable shift, when taking the can on and off was a bigger deal long ago than it is now, seems like most have it figured out with most modern suppressors.

Regardless I don’t care how much my suppressor shifts, as long as poi stays the same when it comes on and off repeatedly.
This makes sense. Thank you.
The Scythe-Ti on my 6 CM is as accurate as any gun I’ve ever shot. 10 round groups under an inch at 100 and first round hits at 1,000+ yards. I fired 70 rounds the other day with no ear pro on and felt no need to do so. This was with a hat and hood on. I’ve never fired an Ultra 7, but I have zero desire for any other can, as this one performs better than I could have expected.
Either TBAC has done an amazing job marketing this, or I'm missing something. All of the companies tout accuracy and consistency for their cans, and most people say their groups tighten with a can, regardless of brand.

Is there any data to back up what people always say about poi shift for TBAC being less than everyone else? Are we talking group size with a can vs without, or zero shift with the can vs without?

Going from a radial brake to dt nomad lt, my zero shifted up and right 1" ish. I can't remember exactly. The brake to dt dd sti was within a scope click. Groups were about the same or a little tighter with both cans vs without.

All of the companies tout it, however TBAC is the only one I have experience with that is actually 0 POI shift on/off for my setups. I personally think it's due to their manufacturing processes and baffle design. Ray has posted about their (lack of) runout on SH. I'm not aware of any data that exists comparing TBAC to other brands in that regard though.

Having said that, I still want a scythe also because I'm a gear whore.
All of the companies tout it, however TBAC is the only one I have experience with that is actually 0 POI shift on/off for my setups. I personally think it's due to their manufacturing processes and baffle design. Ray has posted about their (lack of) runout on SH. I'm not aware of any data that exists comparing TBAC to other brands in that regard though.
It seems like it would be more related to the mounting interface. Runout is fine as long as it's in the same spot when tight everytime. Even barrels have runout.
It seems like it would be more related to the mounting interface. Runout is fine as long as it's in the same spot when tight everytime. Even barrels have runout.

I agree that mounting interface plays a role, and I'm personally a fan of their CB mount but runout would affect POI shift. This is one area in which TBAC shines and why they are the gold standard, IMO, in the precision bolt gun world.
I love my TBAC but I think that claim is BS.
I think the claim is a misinterpretation of TBAC cans being famous for repeatable POI shift. I had a range session where I took my suppressor off every 5 rounds for about 30 rounds and the POI never moved at all which I found pretty cool. TBAC has been around awhile and 10 years ago that was a huge deal but I think most of the current top suppressor manufacturers have repeatable POI now. Generally speaking of course.
I think a lot of the amount of shift has to be possibly do with the first baffle being clipped or not.

Lots of suppressors touted as precision rifle have a solid first baffle, I don’t know how or why this acts with the bullet but I do know that my suppressors with one baffle clipped often aft differently as far as poi shift when mounted on different hosts.

Likely a lot more to the picture but just an observation on the few I have in my possession.
I would rate in order of importance:
1. weight to attenuation ratio
2. overall weight
3. overall length
4. recoil reduction

Should have been more clear to begin with as to why I narrowed it down to the two. On either option I will get direct thread to save some weight.

I bought the Havak because it was light with a fairly short (21'') barrel. This will be my backcountry hunting rig so weight is at a premium.

The Scythe is new enough that finding first hand experience has been difficult but if it far out performs the Ultra 7 I will jump on it.

Being that the scythe has been reported to be in the same realm of noise suppression or quieter than an U7 IMO it beats in ultra 7 in every metric you listed.

Whether the TBAC brand name or other intangibles is enough to overcome that? Who knows.

I have a gen 1 ultra 7 and my scythe should be delivered in a couple weeks. I expect to prefer the scythe for a number of reasons but we'll see in practice soon!

The banish backcountry is like 0.1" shorter than a scythe with a flat cap and that is the only metric where it appears better IMO. Little heavier, little less suppression, i see no reason to choose it over a scythe.
Being that the scythe has been reported to be in the same realm of noise suppression or quieter than an U7 IMO it beats in ultra 7 in every metric you listed.

Whether the TBAC brand name or other intangibles is enough to overcome that? Who knows.

I have a gen 1 ultra 7 and my scythe should be delivered in a couple weeks. I expect to prefer the scythe for a number of reasons but we'll see in practice soon!

The banish backcountry is like 0.1" shorter than a scythe with a flat cap and that is the only metric where it appears better IMO. Little heavier, little less suppression, i see no reason to choose it over a scythe.
Thank you! I'd love an update once you gets some rounds through the Scythe. Banish was a distant 3rd for me but I figured I'd toss it on there just in case someone had experience with it and wanted to make a case for it. TBH I was leaning hard toward the Scythe but the love shown for the Ultra 7 now has me on the fence. I am thinking once more guys get the Scythe in hand we will start to see how superior it is, or possibly just the opposite.
I’ll throw in I think the enticer STi at 6.8” and 8.4oz on my scale will also out perform the ultra 7 but from a less known company.
If you're on the fence about the U7, it is worth repeating what was said about the sti. And its just over half the cost of the U7.
Thank you! I'd love an update once you gets some rounds through the Scythe. Banish was a distant 3rd for me but I figured I'd toss it on there just in case someone had experience with it and wanted to make a case for it. TBH I was leaning hard toward the Scythe but the love shown for the Ultra 7 now has me on the fence. I am thinking once more guys get the Scythe in hand we will start to see how superior it is, or possibly just the opposite.

Thing with ultra 7 is it's a well known, well performing, reliable commodity. The scythe isn't, it just seems more appealing to me in basically every metric other than it's not TBAC and doesnt have the track record.
Thing with ultra 7 is it's a well known, well performing, reliable commodity. The scythe isn't, it just seems more appealing to me in basically every metric other than it's not TBAC and doesnt have the track record.
I agree with this

Silencerco generally has a pretty good track record for performance and customer service though. I would purchase with confidence if the scythe is checking the right boxes.
I think I have decided on the Scythe. Now where is the best place to order from? I have heard some horror stories on the bigger silencer shops. Is it just better to pay a little more and order from someone local? The guy I talked to locally doesn't do trusts so there is added cost there and he doesn't do any sort of sales like the bigger stores will do that I have seen.
Being that the scythe has been reported to be in the same realm of noise suppression or quieter than an U7 IMO it beats in ultra 7 in every metric you listed.

Whether the TBAC brand name or other intangibles is enough to overcome that? Who knows.

I have a gen 1 ultra 7 and my scythe should be delivered in a couple weeks. I expect to prefer the scythe for a number of reasons but we'll see in practice soon!

The banish backcountry is like 0.1" shorter than a scythe with a flat cap and that is the only metric where it appears better IMO. Little heavier, little less suppression, i see no reason to choose it over a scythe.
Where are you seeing that the Scythe is quieter than the TBAC Ultra 7 (Gen 1 or Gen 2?)? Can’t find anything online with hard data.
I think I have decided on the Scythe. Now where is the best place to order from? I have heard some horror stories on the bigger silencer shops. Is it just better to pay a little more and order from someone local? The guy I talked to locally doesn't do trusts so there is added cost there and he doesn't do any sort of sales like the bigger stores will do that I have seen.
Capitol armory has them in stock and can ship to your house.