Taxidermy Moths


Classified Approved
Jan 28, 2020
One of my whitetail mounts is losing its hair dramatically and I'm fairly certain. it is moths laying eggs in the hair. Anyone have any recommendations for something to spray on my other heads to protect them?
I use a Raid bug spray on mine at least once a year. If it is already falling out, you will probably need a new cape.
Lee Lakosky did a video on this exact issue he had. I believe he gave contact information on the Taxidermist that came and treated all his mounts and I believe they sell a product to combat moths.

Hang some cedar planks in your closets if you have any merino clothing or your stuff will end up full of holes as well. They are also very hard on velvet.
One of my whitetail mounts is losing its hair dramatically and I'm fairly certain. it is moths laying eggs in the hair. Anyone have any recommendations for something to spray on my other heads to protect them?
Hunting partner is a taxidermist. He gets in tick infested capes and hides. Sprays with Permethrin and leaves in large black contractor bags a few days.
Permethrin is likely the "safest" current insecticide. I would not want some of the other Raid type chemicals in my house.
There is some talk of spraying with vinegar solution. Might be a good non-toxic start.
Lee Lakosky did a video on this exact issue he had. I believe he gave contact information on the Taxidermist that came and treated all his mounts and I believe they sell a product to combat moths.

Thanks for the help!
I've not had any issues but i clean my mounts all about twice a year with this stuff they have complete care kits. Has a nice smell also.
I also routinely bug bomb my trophy room a few time a year just for piece of mind.
I use a product called Mount Protector. Easy to use, just spay on and let dry. Kind of has a heavy pine smell at first then fades pretty quick.
Taxidermist friend of mine recommended spraying a bit of Bayer Tempo SC Ultra on them when you wipe them down yearly. At the concentration you mix it one bottle will last a lifetime.